
Why is the Empire in Star Wars bad?

Why is the Empire in Star Wars bad?

Originally Answered: What made the Empire evil? The Empire was willing to commit genocide and atrocities, from the mass enslavement of Wookies and other species, to the destruction of Alderaan, they ruled through fear and force (Tarkin Doctrine).

Who opposed the Empire in Star Wars?

The Galactic Civil War (4 BBY–5 ABY), also referred to as the revolution or the rebellion, was a galactic power struggle in which the Alliance to Restore the Republic waged a rebellion against the ruling Galactic Empire in an attempt to restore democratic rule to the galaxy.

When did the Empire lose?

Under Rax’s command, the Empire made its final stand at the Battle of Jakku in 5 ABY, ultimately losing to the New Republic.

How did the Empire lose the battle of Jakku?

Whatever’s left of the Empire threw everything they had into Jakku, and they’re dealt a massive blow when the super star destroyer Ravager is pulled down to the planet’s surface and destroyed. That is essentially the end of the battle, as the Imperials are left without their command ship.

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Is the empire truly evil?

no. The Empire replaced a corrupt and inefficient government that hardly even functioned any more and existed solely for the benefit of what we’d call lobbyists. Even something as relatively simple as the Naboo trade dispute proved to be too much for them to handle effectively.

Why were the Empire the Good Guys of Star Wars?

20 Reasons Why The Empire Were Actually The Good Guys Of Star Wars. 1. The Rebellion sees alien species as expendable. 2. The morality of the Jedi creates villains. 3. The Empire coexists peacefully with aliens. 4. The Rebellion didn’t have galaxy-wide support. 5. The Empire brought about a

Was the Clone Wars made worse by the Republic?

Speaking of the Clone Wars, even the discontent that fuelled it was made worse by the Republic, who failed to realise just how powerful the corporate interests of the galaxy were.

How did Han Solo get his start in Star Wars?

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The galaxy is littered with training academies designed by the Empire to reward hard work and promote advancement, with even Han Solo getting his start at one after escaping his former life.

Is the Empire a joyless place to live?

Even if you can admit than many of the Empire’s decisions are totally logical, you might be stuck on the fact that the Empire seems like a pretty joyless place to live. That would definitely be a point against them if true, but there’s actually not much indication that it is.