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How big was the trade federation army?

How big was the trade federation army?

A single army was commanded by the battleship’s captain, and was composed of 218,400 battle droids, as well as support droids.

What happened to the Trade Federation after Order 66?

Gunray and his fellow Separatist Council members were betrayed by Sidious, who had them killed by Darth Vader at the end of the war, and the Trade Federation was nationalized by the newly-formed Galactic Empire.

Who destroyed the droid control ship?

Despite his insubordination, Dofine remained in command of the blockade’s forces. He gave the order to activate the droids on the surface of Naboo. Dofine perished aboard the Droid Control Ship when Naboo starfighter forces destroyed the vessel.

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Why was the Trade Federation blockading Naboo?

The Trade Federation invades Naboo because they’re secretly working for Darth Sidious, who is secretly Palpatine, who is not secretly the Senator of Naboo. Palpatine’s whole purpose in arranging the invasion was to create a situation where he could have someone call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Vallorum.

Who owns the droid army?

Primarily constructed by the workers of Baktoid Combat Automata, the droid army was led by Kaleesh cyborg General Grievous, who held the title of Supreme Martial Commander of the Separatist Droid Armies, while also being commanded by Separatist leader Count Dooku.

What planet is the Trade Federation from?

planet Naboo
The opening titles of The Phantom Menace describe a greedy Trade Federation blockading the planet Naboo in order to protest against the taxation of trade routes in outlying systems.

What ship did Anakin destroy as a kid?

Later, Bravo Flight attacked the Vuutun Palaa to end the invasion; the ship was later destroyed when a young boy, Anakin Skywalker, accidentally entered the ship and launched two proton torpedoes into the ship’s starboard main reactor, causing a chain reaction that tore the ship apart, deactivating the droid army and …

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What is the Trade Federation droid army?

The Trade Federation Droid Army, also known as the Trade Federation army, was a private, automated defense force maintained by the Trade Federation to protect its valuable shipments from piracy. It was used by the Trade Federation to invade the planet Naboo and was later incorporated into the Separatist Droid Army during the Separatist Crisis.

What droids did the Federation use in Star Wars?

The main infantry of the Trade Federation’s armies was the B1-series battle droid. The Trade Federation also employed the use of OOM-series battle droids – OOM command battle droids, OOM pilot battle droids, and OOM-series security droids –and droidekas. For cleanup of destroyed army droids, the Federation utilized the PK-series worker droid.

What is the Trade Federation in Star Wars?

One of the wealthiest corporate organizations in the galaxy, the Trade Federation controlled most of the interstellar shipping passing through the Rim territories. The Trade Federation was headed by Viceroy Nute Gunray, and even had its own representative in the Republic Senate to lobby for even greater power.

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Why did the Trade Federation blockade the Moon pantora?

The Trade Federation blockaded the moon Pantora, claiming they were trying to suspend all trade after Pantora had not paid its debts. In actuality, the Federation was working alongside the Separatist Alliance to force the planet into the CIS.