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How do you say call me when you are free?

How do you say call me when you are free?

  1. Call me at your earliest convenience.
  2. Please revert to me at a convenient time for you.
  3. Call me whenever you are free.
  4. Respond to me at a time that’s convenient for you.
  5. Feel free to contact me whenever possible.
  6. Get in touch with me.
  7. Would you call me please.
  8. Give me a tinkle on the blower.

Which one is correct I saw your missed call or I missed your call?

“I saw your missed call” and “I missed your call” both are correct . I saw your missed call means that there is a missed call in your phone of a friend and you saw it later and thus calling again to find out why the friend called you.

How do you call someone back?

Call Return remembers the phone number of the last party who called your phone and can automatically redial it for you. If someone tries to call while you’re on the phone or while you’re away from home, Call Return allows you to automatically call back the last party.

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Is it correct to say for free?

Strict grammarians will tell you that “for free” is grammatically incorrect because “free” is not a noun, and this means it cannot be preceded by “for” (a preposition). In their view, something is “sold for nothing” or is “sold free.” However, through common usage, “for free” has become acceptable.

What should I say when call back?

The suggestions in comments are good, but I tend to identify myself so they don’t have to ask (especially if you think it might be a job opportunity!) I’d go with something like this: Hi, this is [your name]. I have a missed call from this number, and I just wanted to call you back and see what you were calling about.

How do you use Call Me Once back in a sentence?

Call me once back. Call me when you are back. “Call me when you are back” would be more natural during speech. “Call me once back” looks like something that would be written in an email, by someone who is being terse and writing as few words as possible.

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What does call me when you are back mean?

“Call me when you are back” would be more natural during speech. “Call me once back” looks like something that would be written in an email, by someone who is being terse and writing as few words as possible. Which is fine if that is your style. In speech you would say “Call me once you’re back.”

Is it grammatically correct to say Call Me when available to talk?

That is a grammatically correct phrase. Whether or not you should use it depends on your intended meaning. The phrase “Call me when you are available to talk” implies that you want someone to call you once their situation allows it. The wording sounds a bit formal, but it would be acceptable in just about any situation.

Can You Please give Me a call back on voicemail?

Absolutely avoid leaving voicemails consisting only of ” can you please give me a call back “. This is a waste time for both of us. If you really need to get me on the Sep 21, 2014 Yes, we’ve discussed doing something like this but we’re working on several other initiatives right now.