
Do India have good doctors?

Do India have good doctors?

Inaugurating the seventh edition of PULMOCON, a conference on pulmonary diseases and the latest developments in pulmonology, CEO of Apollo Hospitals (Southern Region) Anne Marie Moncure claimed that Indian doctors were the best in the world.

Why there is violence against doctors in India?

Factors attributed to violence against doctors are: absence of post-graduate training in emergency medicine in India, long working hours of up to 120 hrs a week for doctors, demonisation of doctors in news media and films, poor quality of emergency-care infrastructure, poor mechanism for grievance redressal, delayed …

Are Indian doctors in a safe environment while working?

Doctors Are Not Safe At Work In India, 75\% Have Reported Violence When They Are Doing Their Job. “We found 75\% of all doctors in India have faced some form of violence. This is much higher than nearly 50-60\% violence reported in countries like the US and the UK,” The Hindustan Times spoke to Dr Jateen Ukrani.

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Is India the best doctor in the world?

As per the latest data, India stands at 67th rank amongst around 133 developing countries with regard to the number of doctors while in respect of number of nurses, India is at 75th rank.

Are all doctors rich in India Quora?

Not all. Many general practitioners MBBS and some Ayurvedic practitioners and traditional hakims in small towns and villages may not be really earning a lot and be rich. Even some specialists of unusual medical Fields may also not be rich. Definitely , Indian doctors are rich by heart.

Is there a crisis in probity among Indian medical professionals?

The arrest on bribery allegations in 2010 of the Medical Council of India’s (MCI) president Ketan Desai, 3 and the subsequent dissolution of the council by the president of India, 4 were indicative of the crisis in probity among the Indian medical profession.

Why is there a need for the law of Medicine in India?

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The process of establishment of healthcare system during the colonial rule also necessitated creation of legislative framework for practitioners of medicine. As the number of doctors qualified in Indian medical colleges increased, creation of laws for them became necessary.

What is the history of traditional medicine in India?

After India gained Independence from the British rule in 1947, the movement for revival of Traditional Systems of Medicine gained momentum. The systems got official recognition and became part of the National Health care network to provide health care to the country’s citizen.

What do we know about the Indian systems of Medicine?

Indian Systems of Medicine are among the well known global traditional systems of medicine. In this review, an attempt has been made to provide general information pertaining to different aspects of these systems.