
What do I need to know before getting my first kitten?

What do I need to know before getting my first kitten?

Your kitten depends on you so here’s how you should prepare your home for a new pet.

  • Remove dangerous objects.
  • Store chemicals securely.
  • A comfortable bed to snuggle in.
  • Lots of toys.
  • Make sure your kids are ready.
  • Find a good litter tray and litter.
  • Don’t forget the food and treats.
  • A scratching post is a must.

What should I ask when buying a kitten?

Top 11 questions to ask before getting a kitten

  • Can I hold them? Asking to hold the kitten is a great way to tell how they are around people.
  • Can I see the parents?
  • Are the parents in good health?
  • What’s the personality like?
  • Are they socialised?
  • How old are the parents?
  • What’s the breed like?
  • How old is the kitten?
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What should I ask about a cat?

7 Questions to Ask When Adopting a Cat from a Rescue

  • Is the cat litter trained?
  • What is the cat’s temperament like?
  • Does the cat get along with other animals?
  • Why was the cat surrendered?
  • What information does the rescue have about the cat’s background?
  • Is the cat in good health?
  • Has the cat been vaccinated?

What questions should you ask when buying a cat?

You could consider questions such as:

  • can you see the kitten with its mother?
  • is the mother healthy and friendly?
  • are there any other cats and kittens in the home?
  • what is the kitten’s environment like? Is it clean?
  • does the kitten look healthy?
  • is the kitten friendly or was it nervous or fearful?

What to do when you first get a kitten?

General Tips for Bringing a New Cat Home

  1. Prepare a safe room.
  2. Cat-proof the safe room.
  3. Give kitty a place to hide.
  4. Help your new cat get to know you.
  5. Equip the safe room with cat food, water and litter.
  6. Give your new cat a new post.
  7. Feliway saves the day.
  8. Give your cat some cat toys for entertainment.
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What questions should I ask my kitten breeder?

What questions should you ask before buying a cat?

15 Questions You Should Ask Cat Breeders

  • Are the kittens’ parents “certified”?
  • Ask to meet the cat’s parents.
  • How have they socialized the kittens?
  • What vaccines has the kitten had?
  • Have the kittens been dewormed?
  • Have any of the kittens in the litter been sick?
  • What visits has the kittens had with the veterinarian?

What should I bring to pick up a new kitten?

Here are the basic items you should stock up on before bringing her home: Quality kitten food. Cat treats – you can make quality treats using kitten food to make sure she is still getting quality nutrients. Food and water dishes. Litter box and cat litter. Cat bed.

What should I do to prepare my house for a kitten?

In order for life with your new kitten to run smoothly, make preparations before bringing her home. The first thing you should do is kitten-proof your home by viewing each room from kitten level. Close or block off windows, vents, and any nooks and crannies she might be tempted to explore.

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What should I ask when buying a kitten from a breeder?

If you’re buying a kitten from a good breeder, they should be prepared to answer any and all questions you have, as they’ll be passionate about their kittens and want to ensure that they’re going to a good home. You should ask the following questions: Can I see the kitten with the mother and the rest of the litter?

When is the best time to bring a kitten home?

Between eight and 16 weeks old is also when they begin to understand their position in the household, so it’s a good time to resettle them with you. It’s ideal to bring home your kitten when you have a couple of quiet days to spend at home with them and no visitors scheduled.