Why is Legolas in The Fellowship of the Ring?

Why is Legolas in The Fellowship of the Ring?

Legolas is introduced at the Council of Elrond in Rivendell, where he came as a messenger from his father to discuss Gollum’s escape from their guard. Legolas was chosen to be a member of the Fellowship of the Ring, charged with destroying the One Ring.

Does Legolas know Aragorn before the fellowship?

20 He Met Aragorn Though the timelines don’t quite match up with Thranduil’s post-Hobbit advice for Legolas to find “Strider,” it is implied that Legolas and Aragorn met between the two movies. Regardless, meeting Aragorn, an elf-raised human, would be a unique experience for the otherwise sheltered person.

Is Legolas father in Lord of the Rings?

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Who is Legolas dad?

What is the relationship between friendship and fellowship in Lord of the Rings?

In The Lord of the Rings franchise, the friendships are some of the most important relationships of all. This is an epic fantasy adventure, but beyond the eagles, dark lords, and elves, it’s a story that focuses a lot on the importance of bonds of friendship and fellowship.

Who is Legolas in The Lord of the Rings?

Legolas is an Elvish Prince who is skillfully good at archery and one of the many heroes in J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic novel, The Lord of the Rings, and in Peter Jackson’s films of the same name respectively. He joins the fellowship in the quest to destroy the One Ring and fought in many battles during the war such as Moria,…

What is the relationship between Legolas and Frodo Baggins?

Of all the members of the Fellowship, Legolas has the most peculiar relationship with Frodo Baggins. He is willing to risk his life to protect him and ensure he reaches Mount Doom safely, but they rarely interact despite appearing in three films together.

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How did Legolas save the Dwarves from the Orcs?

Legolas brings the dwarves to his home and they are locked up in the dungeons. When the dwarves escape and Bolg attacks the elves with his orcs, Legolas leads a group of elves into the fight. Legolas is almost killed during the battle but is saved by Thorin Oakenshield. The elves manages to drive away the orcs but the dwarves escape.