
Do the French and British get along?

Do the French and British get along?

France and Britain have officially been on good terms since the Entente cordiale was signed in 1904. Certainly, the global conflicts of the 20th Century brought them closer together than ever, first as allies in the trenches and then thanks to Britain’s role as liberator from Nazi occupation.

Did France ever invade England?

The Battle of Fishguard was a military invasion of Great Britain by Revolutionary France during the War of the First Coalition. The brief campaign, on 22–24 February 1797, is the most recent landing on British soil by a hostile foreign force, and thus is often referred to as the “last invasion of mainland Britain”.

Do the French understand English?

Recent stats estimate that around 39\% or just under two-fifths of the French population report being able to speak English to some degree. Not many of these can speak it fluently though – much like other European countries, many of this 39\% will only be able to converse in very basic English at best.

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What do the French people think of British people?

Therefore judging from a perspective based their own cultural biases, French people see British people as phlegmatic (which they definitely are not). French people would say British people have a weird sense of humour.

Why do French people work less well as a social group?

French people work less well as a social group than Brits do because they often more preconditioned to not trust others types of people that do not belong to their natural group (e.g. acrimonious relations between employers and unions for example).

Why do we fight the French so much?

We fought them for centuries, just because their damn kings and queens happened to be of French origin. They are the second oldest country in western Europe that exists as a nation (last successful invasion: 1066 – from France, of course). “If God put them on an island, there must be a reason” (French joke/proverb).

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Did Jeanne d’Arc kick the English out of France?

“We learn in school to thank Jeanne d’Arc for kicking the English out of France. It was a deliberate political policy to create this legend, to say here is the enemy, we kicked them out and now France is French; it’s our country. Even if we know history isn’t quite that simple, it has become the cement holding our nation together.”