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How do I get a job at Big 4 Consulting?

How do I get a job at Big 4 Consulting?

Getting into the Big 4 as an entry level consultant is tough going. You will need to begin the process during your junior or, at the latest, senior year of college. You will also need to have an exceptional GPA, be attending a top school, and be well above average in interview settings.

What degree should I get if I want to be a consultant?

Consultants usually hold degrees in business administration, finance or economics. However, degrees in psychology, marketing and computer science are common as well among business consultants. To work in a particular industry, consider a minor in that field in addition to a business degree.

Can a fresher get into consulting?

Business consultancy is a great profession for students looking at fresher jobs after graduation. Besides being a job for the ‘bright mind’, it also a prestigious profile that makes you stand out of the crowd.

How do I prepare myself for a career in consulting?

Pre-consulting job preparations (4 months till BCG)

  1. Daily Reading. The Economist, The Financial Times, BCG/Mskinsey Insights.
  2. Industry deep-dives. Learn, in-depth, how the industries/companies your office advises, work. (
  3. Analytics tools.
  4. Excel.
  5. Powerpoint.
  6. Presentation skills / sharp communication.
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Do consultants use Excel?

There are innumerable uses for Excel in consulting. We have been working as consultants for ~15 years, and Excel remains the primary analytical tool consultants use to analyze data. Recently, other tools for managing very large data sets have come on to the scene.

How hard is it to get a consulting job?

For example, McKinsey (one of the Big 3 consulting firms) only accepts around 1\% of the candidates who apply, which is a lower acceptance rate than Harvard’s prestigious MBA programme. The good news is, that with the right preparation, getting a consulting job is actually pretty straightforward.

Do consulting firms recruit at other schools?

There are other schools where consulting firms recruit. However, if you’re targeting a job at one of the leading consulting firms, and you are not enrolled at a target school, then the path will probably be more difficult for you. But don’t worry, in the next section, we’ll cover some tips for networking your way into a consulting interview.

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How do I find consultants to hire?

Begin by creating a spreadsheet of potential contacts. Start with consultants you know, and then add in family and friends who could introduce you to consultants. Your last priority should be cold-contacts (from LinkedIn or other platforms).

Do MBB consulting firms recruit from target schools?

All consulting firms have their favourite target schools, and if you attend one of them, then you have a significantly greater chance of getting invited to interview. So, let’s start by taking a look at a few of the most popular target schools where MBB consulting firms are known to recruit.
