What harsh truths about life do you prefer to ignore?

What harsh truths about life do you prefer to ignore?

The 7 harsh truths everyone knows but no one wants to admit are:

  • Your life sucks because of fear.
  • The contemporary higher education system is meaningless.
  • Practice beats intelligence.
  • There is no such thing as alone genius.
  • Your own ideas are worthless.
  • Your material wealth won’t make you a happier person.

How do you accept hard truths?

19 Hard Truths You Have to Accept to Be Successful

  1. Everyone Is Always Offended.
  2. Someone Being Offended Means They Took Notice.
  3. Not Being Noticed Is Universal.
  4. You Will Be Judged.
  5. There’s a Difference Between Respect and Judgment.
  6. Self-Respect Leads to Universal Respect.
  7. Entitlement and Self-Respect Are Different.

What is the harshest truth you choose to ignore?

The harshest truth we choose to ignore is that we all are just one diagnosis or one catastrophical news away from being a completely different person or leading a completely different life. Then again, what is life if it is lived in constant fear of the unknown?

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Are You ignoring hard life truths that are uncomfortable?

The problem is that you ignore it because the truth is uncomfortable. So after I got stuck last time, I thought of the hard life truths I was ignoring. Once I returned to these lessons, everything improved again. Here’s the list I made for myself. Remember, these lessons are uncomfortable, but deep down, we all know how important they are.

Is it easy or hard to get stuck in life?

It’s easy to get stuck —The truth is that life is hard and we all run into obstacles. Setbacks are unavoidable. Hence, you better get used to getting punched in the face. It’s hard to get unstuck —When you get punched in the face, most people stay down. Giving up is easy: “I don’t want to go through that again so I’m going to stop trying.”

Is it okay if most people don’t get me?

Most people won’t get you —And that’s okay. You don’t have to be liked by everyone. Be comfortable with who you are. You don’t need acceptance by anyone but yourself. You only get stronger by doing hard things —If your life is simple, you will become weak. Always do things that require serious effort. The effort alone will make you better.