
Which is the most powerful word in the universe?

Which is the most powerful word in the universe?

The Greek word, ‘Agape,’ is heart transforming and, when applied, word empowering. It has the power to resurrect, to create, to transform, to forgive and to remove obstacles.

What are words that are powerful?

Powerful – thesaurus

  • powerful. adjective. able to influence or control what people do or think.
  • influential. adjective. able to influence the way other people think or behave.
  • formidable. adjective.
  • commanding. adjective.
  • autocratic. adjective.
  • high-powered. adjective.
  • dominant. adjective.
  • omnipotent. adjective.

What is the most powerful alphabet in English?

BMW to showcase why M is the most powerful letter in the world.

What are power phrases?

A “power phrase” is a short, three-word phrase that you can anchor on and repeat to yourself both throughout the day and in times of stress and nervousness. It’s a form of affirmation in that it allows us to vocalize and manifest qualities that are important to us, and that we want to internalize.

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What is a power word?

Power words are words that smart copywriters use to trigger a psychological or emotional response. They’re called “power words” because they are so persuasive that people simply can’t resist being influenced by them!

What is the most beautiful alphabet?

The Top Ten Most Beautiful Alphabets

  • Hebrew. Number of letters: 22.
  • Urdu. Number of letters: 52 (39 basic and 13 ‘extra characters’)
  • Sanskrit. Number of letters: 46.
  • Javanese. Number of letters: 53.
  • Tibetan. Number of letters: 30.
  • Thai. Number of letters: 44.
  • Burmese. Number of letters: 33.
  • Elvish. Number of letters: 26.

How do you inspire someone with words?

These phrases are ways to tell someone to keep trying:

  1. Hang in there.
  2. Don’t give up.
  3. Keep pushing.
  4. Keep fighting!
  5. Stay strong.
  6. Never give up.
  7. Never say ‘die’.
  8. Come on! You can do it!.