
What does it mean when someone says you are the universe?

What does it mean when someone says you are the universe?

countable noun. If you talk about someone’s universe, you are referring to the whole of their experience or an important part of it.

Who said you are a child of the universe?

Max Ehrmann
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.” – Max Ehrmann.

What does it mean to be the center of someone’s universe?

Definition of center of someone’s universe : the most important part of someone’s life Her young son is the center of her universe.

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How do you use the word universe in a sentence?

The whole universe is under the care of God. Our earth is the only planet in the universe which has an environment suitable for life. God is the controller and creator of this Universe. Scientists devote their lives for searching answers to the mysteries of the universe and making discoveries.

Have faith that the universe will unfold as it should?

You must have faith. Lieutenant Valeris : Faith? Captain Spock : That the universe will unfold as it should.

How do you quote Desiderata?

“Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. ” “As far as possible without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.” “Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. ” “Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.”

What is the secret universe?

The Secret Universe is the most extensive and scholarly exposition of the extraterrestrial deity hypothesis ever written. From the beginning of the universe, to the earliest civilizations of man, to the latest scientific discoveries, the Secret Universe reveals why everything that you know is wrong.

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Is it an universe or a universe?

You are asking because universe begins with the letter U, which is a vowel. Nevertheless, the correct answer is “A universe” because the word universe, in English, is pronounced “You-ne-verse”, therefore the U gets the same initial sound as if it were spelled with a Y.

What does it mean to be a child of the universe?

The ‘child’ phrase is one that is often used to show a connection – with parents, culture or country. The ‘child of the universe’s tag meant that a person felt outside of any conventional or limiting category, including the ‘child of god’ tag that more traditionally spiritual people might use.

What does the phrase “I am the universe” mean?

Thus, the phrase “I am the Universe” comes from the realization that you’re not separate from any of it and never could be no matter how hard you tried. How could the Universe possibly give rise to something that isn’t… the Universe?

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What does “at peace with the universe” mean?

It’s a phrase from the hippy era (1960s), and it generally means “at peace with everyone/the universe”. It was a take on the phrase “love child” in reference to “illegitimate” children conceived by indeterminate fathers in a hippy commune.

Is the Universe talking to you?

The universe is talking to us. It is trying to get our attention. It is trying to guide us, connect with us, and wake us up . There are plenty of signs out there but are we looking?