
Can I report someone for posting pictures of my child?

Can I report someone for posting pictures of my child?

Parents can talk to their teens about internet safety, encourage them to make a report and assist them in reporting the violation on their own. Once the report has been submitted, Facebook will work to remove the photo or will provide you with a notice of why they didn’t remove it from the other person’s page.

Is it illegal to post a picture of someone’s child?

In the US, as long as the person took the pictures in a public location, had permission to take the pictures, or has permission of the person who took the pictures to post them, they can post them.

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What do you do if a stranger takes a picture of your child?

What To Do When Strangers Want To Photograph Your Child

  1. Ask Nicely. Unless your child is being harassed by someone photographing them (in which case you should call the police), the only thing you can do is very nicely ask the person not to photograph your child.
  2. Remove Your Child From The Situation.
  3. Call For Back Up.

How do I report a photo on Facebook?

How do I report an abusive photo on Facebook?

  1. Tap the photo you want to report.
  2. Below the photo, tap More Options. If you don’t see this, tap in the top right.
  3. Tap Find Support or Report Photo.
  4. Select the option that best describes the issue and follow the on-screen instructions.

Why can’t I delete a photo on Facebook?

If you want to get rid of a post or photo that was posted by someone else on Facebook, you can’t delete it yourself. You’ll have to ask them privately to remove it. You can’t remove a photo that others have posted, but you can hide it from your timeline or remove the tag.

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What happens if you post a photo of your child online?

Any photo of a child posted online could leave children vulnerable to grooming. The risk is greater if the photo’s shared along with information that makes the child identifiable – such as a school uniform. Images may be shared online by would-be abusers.

How can I get Facebook to remove a photo of my child?

There is even a form to fill out if you want to get Facebook to remove a photo of your child who is under the age of 13. Kellar says she tried that. “They wouldn’t even reply without something automated,” Kellar said. Internet safety experts say parents can avoid these situations by limiting what they share.

Can a stranger take a picture of my child without my knowledge?

Children could use their smartphones to share their own pictures, without their parents’ knowledge. A stranger could take a picture of their child, without the child’s or the parents’ knowledge. It’s not illegal for parents to take pictures of their children, or of other parents’ children.

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Why don’t some children want pictures of themselves shared online?

Some children, parents or carers may not be comfortable with images of themselves or their children being shared. For example, if a child and their family have experienced abuse they may worry about the perpetrator tracing them online.