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What did Gandalf say to Theoden?

What did Gandalf say to Theoden?

‘Verily,’ said Gandalf, now in a loud voice, keen and clear, ‘that way lies our hope, where sits our greatest fear. Doom hangs still on a thread. Yet hope is still, if we can but stand unconquered for a little while.

What is Gandalf’s mission?

Here’s the super short answer: Gandalf was sent to Middle Earth by the Valar in order to help the men and elves of Middle Earth to defeat Sauron. Not all of them stayed true to their mission, and Tolkien says a few times that Gandalf was the only one to really fulfill his purpose in Middle Earth.

What does Grima call Gandalf?

Hence, one should not assume that it was Theoden (or Grima, his advisor) who devised the name “stormcrow” for Gandalf.

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Is Galadriel in love with Gandalf?

Galadriel had no romantic love for Gandalf, and the great love she did bear for him was because of his status as a Maia, one of the creator spirits who made the world under the direction of Eru Illúvatar.

Was Denethor more like Gandalf or Gandalf?

” Denethor looked indeed much more like a great Wizard than Gandalf did, more kingly, beautiful, and powerful; and older. ” Denethor II ( Third Age 2930 – 3019, aged 89 years) was the twenty-sixth and penultimate Ruling Steward of Gondor. He succeeded his father Ecthelion II at his death in T.A. 2984.

How is Denethor described in The Lord of the Rings?

Denethor was described as appearing noble and powerful, even to rival the lordliness of Gandalf. He was proud, tall, wise, far-sighted, and valiant; “more kingly” than any of his predecessors for a long time. He proved a masterful lord and a great ruler, seeing to all things large and small under his command.

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What happened to Ecthelion after he married Denethor?

Eight years after his marriage, Ecthelion died and Denethor became Ruling Steward. Denethor was not viewed very highly in the eyes of his people in comparison to Thorongil, but Denethor proved a masterful ruler.

How was Denethor different from Thorongil?

Denethor was not viewed very highly in the eyes of his people in comparison to Thorongil, but Denethor proved a masterful ruler. He listened to counsel, said little, and followed his mind, holding everything in his own hand. Only four years after the death of Ecthelion, Finduilas died as well.