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Is weight really just a number?

Is weight really just a number?

“Weight is just weight. It measures nothing else but how heavy your body is. You get to define what your weight looks like on you, how your weight feels, and how healthy you want your weight to be. And in most cases all those things have absolutely nothing to do with the number on scale.”

How come I weigh so much but don’t look like it?

1. You have gained muscle mass. Since dense muscle tissue takes up less space than fat, it’s possible you may weigh the same (or even more) yet appear slimmer than another person with the same weight, a similar height and frame because of the difference in your body composition.”

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Can you weigh more than you look?

Muscle is denser than fat, and as it is more compact within your body, as you gain muscle mass, you end up looking thinner, no matter your physical weight. So, if you’ve been doing a lot of strength training lately, it’s likely this is the reason that you’re looking fantastic but not dropping those numbers.

Why is using just a scale not a good way to see if you are getting fat?

It only measures total body weight – it doesn’t take into account changes in body fat or muscle, and it doesn’t tell you where the fat is. For body fat, you need to use other body composition methods such as skinfolds or smart scales.

Add source Most of us worry about some pounds gained and probable weight loss from time to time, and usually, this is very much related to the number we see on the scales. Well, sometimes weight is truly just a number, and these strength training lovers will prove it to you.

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Should you weigh yourself to see if you’re getting a toned body?

Compiled by Bored Panda, these before and after photos show that weighing yourself isn’t always the best way to see whether or not you are actually getting a toned body, and you definitely don’t need to starve yourself or go on a very strict diet to see the actual difference.

Do you stop thinking your weight equals your progress?

Please Stop Thinking Your Weight Equals Your Progress And For The Love Of Everything Please Stop Letting Yor Weight Have Any Affect Whatsoever On Your Self Esteem, Like I Used To She looks good in all of them. Stop Letting The Scale Determine Your Success – It’s Literally Just A Number!