
Who is the god of mathematician?

Who is the god of mathematician?

Although one can consider Apollo and Hermes contenders, Athena seems to have the most evidence of being the god of mathematics. One version of the story of Athena’s birth from the forehead of Zeus has Prometheus holding Zeus head while Hephaestus split it open to release Athena.

Who is the greatest mathematician in the Bible?

Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) Euler was a committed Christian and, apparently, a biblical literalist as well as being (arguably) one of the greatest mathematicians ever – he was certainly the most prolific (apart from perhaps Paul Erdos). According to one website (condensed from E T Bell’s Men of Mathematics):

Does mathematics prove the existence of God?

However, the applicability of mathematics is not just a happy coincidence. Therefore, God exists. Eugene Wigner was right; the effectiveness of mathematics in the physical world is quite literally a miracle, which the existence of God best explains.

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Do mathematicians believe in universal truths?

Most mathematicians believe that mathematical truths such as “6 + 1 = 7” are universally and eternally true, independent of human minds. They believed that they are discovering properties of, say, numbers, rather than merely inventing them. This view of math dates back to Pythagoras (582-507 BC) and Plato (427-347 BC).

Do atheists believe in God?

The answer to this question will pretty much be the same as the answer to “Do believe in God?” The answer will always be “some do, some don’t.” Certain categories lend credulity towards either side but they do not fundamentally include or exclude the belief or disbelief of god.

What is the relationship between math and Christianity?

Math is thought to be the hardest subject to integrate with Christianity. Yet, there are very close links between math and God. The key question concerns truth. Most mathematicians believe that mathematical truths such as “6 + 1 = 7” are universally and eternally true, independent of human minds.