
What does the military call a sniper?

What does the military call a sniper?

Snipers hide or use military camouflage such as a ghillie suit that looks like (and may include some of) the surrounding foliage so that it is hard for the enemy to see them. A sniper is also called a “marksman”.

Why are snipers treated worse than infantry when captured?

Many snipers didn’t distinguish between military targets and civilians. They saw something moving and pulled the trigger. Their actions caused terror in the civilian population and therefore they couldn’t expect fair treatment in case they were captured.

Which sniper had the most kills?

Antti Rantamaa, who served as a field chaplain in Häyhä’s regiment, credited him with 259 confirmed kills by sniper rifle and an equal number of kills by submachine gun during the war.

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How effective are snipers in combat?

Snipers are trained to sometimes not kill, but wound their target. They do this for a few reasons. A wounded groaning soldier reduces morale and getting a wounded soldier out of the area takes another soldier or two, thus reducing combat effectiveness. Yeah, heartless but effective.

Why are snipers considered to be a life saver?

Because they destroy enemy morale and can be used for counter-sniper fire, which is s life saver. Snipers are trained to sometimes not kill, but wound their target. They do this for a few reasons. A wounded groaning soldier reduces morale and getting a wounded soldier out of the area takes another soldier or two, thus reducing combat effectiveness.

Why do we hate snipers so much?

During the Bosnian War, we didn’t even like our own snipers and stayed away from them whenever possible. This hate has several reasons: The so-called “sniper threat” is a constant problem. Especially in urban areas, from the moment you get out of bed, you have to scan your surroundings for possible snipers.

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What did General Bradley say about German snipers?

In Normandy, General Omar Bradley said, “They (German snipers) think they can shoot three Americans, jump down and yell “Kamerad” (I surrender), they are wrong.” A British tank column was proceeding down a road, when two Hitler Youth fired their panzerfaust (bazookas) and destroyed the two leading tanks.