Is it better attend a school in a village than city?

Is it better attend a school in a village than city?

Also, schooling in the village is more advantageous than schooling in the city because village schools have more committed and dedicated teachers than the city school teachers, who are often driven by greed to take on other jobs to supplement their salaries.

Is village life is better than city life?

In conclusion, city life is generally better than village life because of convenience. In the city, you can get whatever you want and quickly. The village life is not bad, however there is the issue of scarcity.

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What is difference between village school and city school?

the village school education was quite different from the city school education . In the village school students were taught the alphabet and the morning prayer and there was teaching about the God and the scriptures… but in the city school the students were taught Western science, English and music lessons.

Are cities more educated than rural areas?

While the overall educational attainment of people living in rural areas has increased markedly over time, the share of adults with at least a bachelor’s degree is still higher in urban areas.

What are the advantages of learners in rural areas?

There is no question that rural schools offer many advantages in terms of smaller classroom sizes, the opportunity for more personalized attention between teacher and individual students, innovative curricula such as place-based education, and a strong sense of community values and identity.

What are the advantage of living in a village?

People living in villages breathe pure air. People living in villages are healthier, active, and simpler in habits than the people living in towns. The quiet and peace of village life give opportunities for thought, study, and mental development, which are impossible in town life.

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What is the difference between village school and city school in terms of quality of teaching and learning?

1. city schools are mostly english mediam and village schools are mostly Hindi medium. students at city schools are willing to learn , read and cooperate with teachers . b this curiosity in children is absent in village schools.

What is the difference between the city and the village?

A village is a small community in a rural area. A town is a populated area with fixed boundaries and a local government. A city is a large or important town.

Is it better to live in village or city life?

If you are someone who wants to have a simple lifestyle and healthy lifestyle then village life is better but if your someone who wants to earn money and have a good standard of living and have a modern outlook on life, then city life is better. Question 4. What are the main disadvantages of city life?

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Is a city school better than a village school?

I hope with these points of mine i will be able to convince you but not to confuse you that a city shool is more better than a village school. Environment is vitally significant. Education in cities, in comparison with countryside, is far more better due to the outlook of students in there.

Are stereotypes of village life and city life true?

Most of the stereotypes of village life and city life are true but is the recent years, the silver Line between the two lifestyles is blurring out Ever since the advent of the internet, rural areas have become the hotspot in India for data usage and internet revolution

What is it like to live in a Indian village?

If you are living in India, then you must be aware of both city life and village life, except the few who have never been to a village. The general perception of the people living in the cities is that life in a village is difficult and like punishment.