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Why can Rey use force lightning?

Why can Rey use force lightning?

Rey tapped into the dark side of the Force to use Force Lightning because she let her anger and hatred consume her briefly. But that doesn’t mean that she is part of the dark side. She just usually pulls from the light side more. She is also Palpatine’s granddaughter so it’s in her blood.

How was Rey able to beat Kylo in the force awakens?

The book has a scene with Kylo and Chewie, which reads: ‘I have not forgotten that you shot me,’ Kylo said. That wound had resulted in a defeat at Rey’s hands. Combine that with Rey’s legacy as a Palpatine, and she was able to use The Force and win her very first battle with the ancient Jedi weapon.

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How did Rey get her yellow lightsaber?

Because Rey exhausted her energy in killing Palpatine, and because Ben used the last of his energy in reviving Rey, she’s left on her own with two Skywalker lightsabers. As she ignites the lightsaber, you’ll notice a golden yellow color to the blade.

How did Rey survive?

Kylo even brings Rey back to life at one point by transferring his life force to her. He died in the process, but resurrected her nonetheless. As far as we know, this is not a power that other Jedi possessed in the movies.

Why is Rey’s past important in Star Wars 9?

It could actually be Rey originates from another world steeped in the Dark Side, which concealed her as a child. If so, that may even hint at why Rey’s past is important – because she has a secret link to the Sith, and the greatest Dark Lord of the Sith is making his unexpected return in Star Wars 9.

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What was the biggest problem with the Star Wars sequel trilogy?

Star Wars Sequel Trilogy’s Biggest Problem Was Disney’s Lack Of A Plan Lucasfilm’s Star Wars sequel trilogy was flawed from the start, because the studio had no idea where their story was going. By Thomas Bacon Published Sep 27, 2020 Lucasfilm’s biggest mistake with the Star Wars sequel trilogy was an overall lack of planning and forethought.

Is Jar Jar the worst Star Wars prequels?

Thanks for that, Jar Jar. You are the worst. Among one of the most arguably disappointing flaws of the prequel trilogies was the inclusion of midi-chlorians as a way to explain the way living creatures communicate with the Force.

Do You Remember the flaws of the Star Wars movies?

For the majority of you who have no doubt seen most, if not all the major Star Wars films, reminiscing about its flaws is still fun. It brings back memories. Heck, you might even see flaws here you never noticed before. So let’s begin. It took some of us years to get over the relatively mundane death Boba Fett was given in Return of the Jedi.