Tips and tricks

Which planets are rotating more slowly than Earth?

Which planets are rotating more slowly than Earth?

Venus, our planetary sister gone horribly awry, rotates much slower than the earth — one rotation takes 243 days and 26 minutes; this makes it the slowest rotator in our solar system.

Which planet moves the fastest?

Despite its proximity to the Sun, Mercury is not the hottest planet in our solar system – that title belongs to nearby Venus, thanks to its dense atmosphere. But Mercury is the fastest planet, zipping around the Sun every 88 Earth days.

Which rotates faster Earth or Venus?

Compared to Earth, Venus twirls at a leisurely pace on its axis, with its surface taking 243 Earth days to complete one rotation. However, the hot, deadly atmosphere of Venus spins nearly 60 times faster than its surface, whirling around the planet once every 96 hours, an effect known as super-rotation.

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Does Uranus rotate faster than Earth?

A planet’s day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis. Uranus rotates faster than Earth so a day on Uranus is shorter than a day on Earth. A day on Uranus is 17.24 Earth hours while a day on Earth is 23.934 hours.

Why does Jupiter rotates faster than Earth?

When Jupiter formed, it accreted its atmosphere (over 95\% of the planet’s total mass!) from the hydrogen and helium gas in the protoplanetary disk surrounding our Sun. As Jupiter ate up this gas mass, it must have begun to spin faster as it also ate up the gas’s angular momentum.

How fast does Jupiter rotate?

Earth rotates once in 24 hours; Jupiter once in about 9.5 hours. The surface of Earth at the equator is rotating at about 1000 miles per hour, while Jupiter’s equatorial cloud-tops are moving nearly 28,000 miles per hour.

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How fast is Mercury spinning?

10.892 km/h.
It rotates on its axis very slowly compared to its orbital period. One rotation takes 56.85 Earth days, while one orbital period only takes 88 Earth days. This means that a single day on Mercury last about 0.646 times as long as a single year. The planet’s equatorial rotational speed is 10.892 km/h.

Which planet has the slowest rotation rate?

Venus is the planet which has the slowest rotation rate.

Which planet has the fastest rotational speed?

Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet of our solar sytem. It’s rotation speed is about 43,000 kilometres/hour (it is the rotation speed of it’s equator) which is about 25.3 times faster than the rotation speed of Earth (which is about 1700km/h).

What planets rotate faster than Earth does?

Mercury – 58.6 days – 87.97 days – 10.83 km/h (6.73 mph) – 47.36 km/s (29.43 mi/s)

  • Venus – 243 days – 224.7 days – 6.52 km/h (4.5 mph) – 35.02 km/s (21.76 mi/s)
  • Earth – 1 day – 365.26 days – 1,674 km/h (1,040 mph) – 29.78 km/s (18.5 mi/s)
  • Mars – 1.03 days – 1.88 years – 866 km/h (538.1 mph) – 24 km/s (14.91 mi/s)
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    What planet rotates slower than it revolves?

    Venus has an extremely slow rotation rate, to the point that it actually rotates slower than it revolves around the sun.