
Can you pee while wearing a period cup?

Can you pee while wearing a period cup?

Yes, you can. Peeing with a menstrual cup in is easy—the menstrual cup will not interfere with urination. Some brands of cup (1,5) say that you can pass stool while wearing a menstrual cup, while other companies avoid the question all together.

Can a menstrual cup cause incontinence?

Leaking only when using a tampon or menstrual cup may also be a sign of a cystocele (bladder prolapse) masking stress urinary incontinence. A cystocele can cause the urethra to kink and actually block the flow of urine.

How often is too often to empty menstrual cup?

In general across the cup using community the consensus is you should empty every 10-12 hours as an absolute maximum. If your periods are heavy or the first few days are heavy than you will need to empty more frequently to prevent leaks.

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Do menstrual cups make you Pee more on your period?

Some people find themselves needing to pee more on their period, menstrual cup or not. This is because of a drop in the hormone progesterone. This hormone can cause water retention, aka bloating during your pre-menstrual phase. When it drops, you’re no longer holding on to all that water, and you may need to pee it out much more often than usual.

Can I wear my menstrual cup longer than 12 hours?

To put it simply, yes, of course. Depending on your flow, you can wear your menstrual cup for up to twelve hours. As you can imagine, it would be a pain in the butt – or vagina – to have to take it out after time you had to urinate.

Do you feel like you need to pee all the time?

Your cup is nestled in there and stays put when peeing, but the pressure on your bladder, is making it feel like you need to go all the time! Here’s a little advice from people who have urinary incontinence or feel like they need to pee all the time – fully void. This means trying to fully drain your bladder every time you pee.

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Why does my cup fall out when I pee?

For people who tend to pee outside, or have squat toilets, versus sit down ones, this may cause your cup to be more likely to fall out, because of the angle of your pelvic floor muscles and vagina. If the toilet scaries are still getting to you, again you can take it out when you pee, but who wants to go through that hassle?