Which third language should I learn?

Which third language should I learn?

All in all, Mandarin is the best language to learn because of its growing economy and number of language speakers. Spanish and Arabic are next for the the top spots for the best language to learn abroad because of the sheer demand and job opportunities for them.

What is the most beneficial language to learn after English?

Top 7 Most Useful Languages to Learn for English Speakers

  • Spanish. Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world after Chinese and English.
  • French.
  • A Chinese language, such as Mandarin.
  • German.
  • 5. Japanese.
  • Arabic.
  • Portuguese.

What is the best language to learn after English?

French might be the number one obvious choice. English is a Germanic language with huge numbers of Romance loanwords, most of them from French. Spanish is, well, a Romance language to begin with. If you already know English and Spanish, you’ll go into French basically knowing every other word.

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What are the most useful languages to learn for professional reasons?

Breakdown of the most useful languages to learn for professional reasons: 1- Spanish. Spanish is the most spoken language in the world after English. It’s also the native language of more than 400 million people across 44 countries, which makes it one of the most useful languages to know.

Should I learn Spanish or English first?

Choosing a language to learn may not seem like a strategic move. After all, for many, Spanish is the obvious choice. Wait, hold on. After? Well, yes. Spanish covers a lot of the world. English covers quite a bit more. But added together, you might still only get… about a fourth?

Why is learning Spanish important for job seekers?

Why it’s such a useful language: It’s quite obvious why learning Spanish has huge financial benefits for job seekers. In both Europe and the US, Spanish is the most commonly spoken language after English. It is also the officially spoken language of four continents.