Tips and tricks

Can a healthy person have erectile dysfunction?

Can a healthy person have erectile dysfunction?

Fact: Although ED is more common in men over 75, guys of any age can have it.

Is it bad if I dont have morning wood?

It’s also perfectly normal to occasionally not wake up with an erection. Most men get an erection anywhere from one to five times during sleep. Sometimes, you’ll snap out of sleep at the “wrong” moment and wake up without an erection. As long as it’s occasional, it’s usually not a problem.

Is it normal for a 28 year old to have erectile dysfunction?

Many people think of erectile problems as an older adult’s issue, but they can affect younger males, as well. According to some estimates, ED affects 8\% of males aged 20–29 years and 11\% of those aged 30–39 years. The data also suggest that the number of people under 40 seeking medical attention for ED is increasing.

At what age do men become sexually weak?

Doctor’s Response. The most common sexual problem in men as they age is erectile dysfunction (ED). In general, the younger a man is, the better his sexual function will be. About 40\% of men are affected by erectile dysfunction at age 40, and nearly 70\% of men are affected by ED by the time they turn 70.

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Is it normal for a man to have low sex drive?

Some men with “low” testosterone show normal sex drive, while others with high levels have sexual problems. Other medical issues, physical fitness, and mental health could be more important factors. Talk to your doctor about any issues with your sex drive, as they could be a sign of a medical condition.

Can a 40 year old man have a high sex drive?

Men: 30s and Early 40s Many men continue to have a strong sex drive through these years, though testosterone starts to slowly decrease around age 35. It typically goes down by about 1\% per year, but it could be faster for some men. This could have some effect on your sex drive.

Do older men have more Morning Wood?

Older men — particularly men in their 60s and 70s — are less likely to experience frequent morning wood than younger men. Finally, medication can often affect morning wood.

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Do older men have low sexual desire?

As part of the Adelaide Male Aging Study (Martin, 2012), a different group of Australian researchers asked 271 men, age 65 to 80, about their health, libido, and erections. Low desire was a major problem, reported by 89 percent of single older men, and 33 percent of those with partners.