
Why did Hermione Obliviate herself from her parents memory?

Why did Hermione Obliviate herself from her parents memory?

Unlike the Dursleys, Hermione’s parents weren’t all caught up with the events which were taking in the wizarding world. Before leaving for the war she decided to erase herself from her parents’ memories because she believed this was the best way to protect them.

Did Hermione permanently erase her parents memories?

Hermione Granger had to use a spell on her parents to make them forget everything about their daughter. In an effort to protect them, Hermione erases all memories and evidence that she ever existed.

Can Hermione bring back her parents memories?

J.K. Rowling confirmed that immediately after the Second Wizarding War ended, Hermione went to Australia and restored her parents’ memories. As difficult as it was, Hermione did what she needed to in order to keep her parents safe, and as soon as she could made things right with them again, she did.

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What is the Harry Potter spell to erase memories?

The Memory Charm (Obliviate), also known as the Forgetfulness Charm, was a charm that could be used to erase specific memories from an individual’s mind.

Why did Hermione change her parents’ memories?

Hermione Granger memorably altered her parents’ memories during a dangerous time in the Harry Potter series, but she did it for a good reason. Hermione Granger memorably wiped her existence from her parents’ memories during a tumultuous time in the Harry Potter series, but it was for a good reason.

What happened to Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies?

Hermione, in the movie, joins her parents for tea, but once she makes it into the living room, she points her wand at them and utters the word Obliviate. The following scene shows Granger’s living room area slowly being ridden of any traces of Hermione’s existence.

How did Hermione protect Harry from Voldemort?

Hermione used the memory charm to protect them. Hermione was well known as Harry’s closest friend, by both the Ministry and the Deatheaters. As the war went on Lord Voldemort learned he could use Harry’s mental link with him as a means of exploiting.

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Does Hermione use the obliviate charm in the books?

Hermione actually does not use the memory-erasing charm, obliviate in the books. The book describes Hermione as she is getting ready to leave her parents and join her friends in the war. Many fans agree that the scene was poorly portrayed in the movies since most people who have seen them believe that she wiped their memory completely.