
Can you use city name in brand?

Can you use city name in brand?

Yes, you may trademark a city name if it is used as a brand name for your products or services. For example, “NEW ORLEANS” is a registered trademark for a line of doors and window guards. Trademarking a city name does not mean that you own the city name, nor does it mean that you own the city.

Can you use a business name that already exists in another country?

Yes, someone else can get a trademark for your brand name in another country. Reason being that trademarks are teriitorial in nature which means that you have to get them registered in every country seperately.

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Can you copyright a country name?

Since an association between goods and services and a country can result from use of signs other than the official name of the country, certain national laws have extended the exclusion from registration as trademarks to the short name, translation of the name, abbreviation, international code, adjective indicating …

Can you name products after cities?

No laws prohibit businesses from naming their companies after a town, and this is a common business strategy. However, you cannot imply that the city or town has endorsed your product by saying, for example, “We’re the city council’s favorite restaurant.” This is a form of false advertising, which is a civil offense.

What qualifies as a copyright?

Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture.

Can I use a trademarked name for a different product?

The short answer is that you can use a trademark belonging to another person or company if you use the mark for: informational or editorial purposes to identify specific products and services, or. if your use is part of an accurate comparative product statement.

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Can a multinational company use a local brand name?

LEGAL: In the last case, there is a possibility that a local brand previously owned the legal right to use a name similar or identical of the multinational product. Usually, the multinational offers to buy the local brand just to use the name on their own product. When the deal fails, another name has to be created.

Should the International name of a product be adopted?

Where the name of national brand is strong, it is common to keep the orignal name, even when the international visual identity is adopted. LANGUAGE: In other cases the international name of the product may be inappropriate or even offensive in a specific language or local slang.

Does your business name need to match your brand name?

Within those sub-brands, there are specific product models like the Toyota Sienna CE, the Toyota Sienna LE, and so on. A company’s brand architecture can get as deep as a well-researched family tree! What Does This All Mean? Bottom-line, your business name, brand name, and product or service name could all match, but they don’t have to.

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Why do product names have different meanings in different countries?

That’s because the original brand name may mean a different thing in a different geography. However, one good way to have just one product name across different geographicies is to know what a name means in those places. That’s what good naming agencies help their clients do, because it can be difficult to do on your own.