
Are INFJs fierce?

Are INFJs fierce?

It’s a known fact that INFJs are not aggressive, nor are we the type who will argue. Instead, we will always go for the diplomatic, peaceful solution. It’s just not in our nature to be angry. However, if our friends or family are in any kind of danger, this is when an INFJ’s protector trait comes out.

Can INFJ be scary?

If you are of the Briggs-Myers personality type INFJ, you’ve been accused of being “creepy” once if not ten thousand times. Our ability to focus, notice, and remember, as well as our hardwired intensity, all lead to situations in which our introversion is interpreted as weird, spooky, freaky or downright creepy.

How do you make an INFJ feel less intimidating?

An INFJ who wants to be less intimidating might try to smile a little more to soften their stare. It can also be a good idea for INFJs to work on learning when and how to share our insights about other people so they don’t feel creeped out by us.

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Are intjs intimidating to other people?

INTJs can definitely be intimidating to others, which is mostly tied to their vast internal knowledge. They can be rather intimidating with their desire to be accurate and to amass a large amount of information. INTJs intelligence alone can cause others to feel a bit nervous around them.

Why are INFJs so hard to understand?

INFJs just aren’t the most open people when they are around strangers, and keep most of their personal life to themselves. While INFJs can seem somewhat aloof, they are also warm and caring towards others- which is also somewhat confusing and hard for strangers to understand.

What makes you intimidating to other people?

Each personality type has something about them which can often intimidate others. Here is what makes you a bit intimidating, according to your personality type. INFJs are often a mystery to others, which can make them feel about nervous around the INFJ.