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Is ID proof in hotels safe?

Is ID proof in hotels safe?

According to government regulations, a valid Photo ID has to be carried by every person above the age of 18 staying at the hotel. The identification proofs accepted are Aadhar Card, Driving License, Voter ID Card, and Passport. Note that PAN card is not acceptable.

Why do hotels take copy of passport?

That law, the Immigration (Hotel Records) Order, requires hotels to record the full name and nationality of every guest over 16. ‘In the past many hotels retained passports to ensure that customers didn’t sneak off without settling their bills, but in the days of credit cards this is largely unnecessary.

Is it legal for a hotel to photocopy your credit card?

Is it legal for a hotel to photocopy your credit card? – Quora. It’s not illegal, but it is in contravention of merchant credit card rules. Those rules say that merchants have to protect your credit card information from theft and cannot store it in any way after it is used.

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Do hotels keep call logs?

Hotels have always kept logs on their guests, tracking previous stays, comments and complaints, even which pay-per-view movies you ordered.

Is it legal for a hotel to hold your passport?

They have no legal right to hold your passport as a means of ensuring payment—–highly illegal if they do. They should take a credit card imprint or a deposit but passports no. A copy is a good idea and also as another poster said use the copy when you leave the hotels and go out and about.

Why do hotels copy ID’s from rooms?

As for why some hotels copy them: that’s so they have proof who was in the room, should any legal need arise. When I worked at a hotel, we always had to look at the ID to take down basic information such as name and address. But, for cash paying customers, we also had to get a copy of their ID.

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Do you need ID to check in to the hotel?

A valid credit card is required to check in to the hotel, but guests may use cash or credit card at check-out to settle their bill. No, there’s nothing suspicious going on here and there is no national and very few if any state or local laws requiring ID to get a room.

How do hotels check in checks work?

Lastly many hotels are equipped with ID scanners or readers that make the check in process quicker by taking the guests name and address information off the ID and automatically inserting it into the hotel’s computer system. It saves us from having to type in the information manually and also avoids spelling and other errors.

What id do I need to rent a hotel room?

In many areas, local ordinances REQUIRE the hotel to obtain and keep a copy of a state issued ID for the person renting the room. In some cities, these ordinances also require an ID for each adult that will be staying in the room.