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How many soldiers were saved by civilian boats at Dunkirk?

How many soldiers were saved by civilian boats at Dunkirk?

In nine days, 192,226 British and 139,000 French soldiers – more than 331,000 total – were rescued by the 700 little ships and around 220 warships. The rescue operation turned a military disaster into a story of heroism which served to raise the morale of the British.

Did civilians rescued soldiers at Dunkirk?

From May 26 to June 4, over 338,000 British and French troops were safely evacuated from Dunkirk. Critical to this process was the British Royal Air Force, which intercepted German bombers above the beach. Together with the civilians who aided the Royal Navy, they saved countless lives.

Where was the British navy during Dunkirk?

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Dover Castle
The rescue was co-ordinated by Vice-Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsey and was also known as Operation Dynamo, so called because it was planned in a former Dynamo Room underneath Dover Castle. When people think of the Dunkirk Evacuation, many remember the small civilian-owned boats known as the ‘Little Ships’ of Dunkirk.

How many British boats went to Dunkirk?

The Little Ships of Dunkirk were about 850 private boats that sailed from Ramsgate, England, to Dunkirk, France, between May 26 and June 4, 1940 as part of Operation Dynamo, helping to rescue more than 336,000 British and French soldiers who were trapped on the beaches at Dunkirk during the Second World War.

How many Navy ships were lost at Dunkirk?

More than 200 ships and boats were lost during the evacuation with many tragedies . On May 29 the destroyer Wakeful was torpedoed and sank in 15 seconds with the loss of 600 lives. 26It is estimated that around 3,500 British were killed at sea or on the beaches and more than 1,000 Dunkirk citizens in air raids.

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How many ships did the Royal Navy lost at Dunkirk?

A total of 861 Allied ships were involved in the evacuation, of which 243 were sunk, and this figure includes nearly 700 British ships, of which 226 were sunk 5. Of these, the smallest number of sinkings had been Royal Navy warships; only six destroyers and five minesweepers were lost.

How many troops were brought home from Dunkirk?

During the evacuation, two thirds of the 338,000 troops brought home were rescued directly from Dunkirk’s famous ‘Mole’ by Royal Navy Destroyers and larger merchant ships. Throughout the evacuation, the ‘Little Ships’ worked alongside the Royal Navy.

What role did the Royal Navy play in the Dunkirk evacuation?

However it is important to remember that the Royal Navy also played an important and vital role in this historic operation. During the evacuation, two thirds of the 338,000 troops brought home were rescued directly from Dunkirk’s famous ‘Mole’ by Royal Navy Destroyers and larger merchant ships.

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What happened to the ‘Little Ships’ of Dunkirk?

When people think of the Dunkirk Evacuation, many remember the small civilian-owned boats known as the ‘Little Ships’ of Dunkirk. After the evacuation these boats and their owners were highlighted by Churchill and the government to emphasise that Nazi Germany was a threat to the general public and that everyone could contribute to the war effort.

What happened to the Lancastria in Dunkirk?

Like Dunkirk, these evacuation were not without issues, as on 17 June during the evacuation from St Nazaire, German bombers sank the liner Lancastria which was being used to transport troops home.