How do you say something funny in Chinese?

How do you say something funny in Chinese?

9 Funny Chinese Words and Phrases You’ve Gotta Learn

  • 沉鱼落雁 (chén yú, luò yàn)
  • 拍马屁 (pāi mǎ pì)
  • 你皮子痒!
  • 落汤鸡 (luò tāng jī)
  • 有钱就是任性!
  • 傻蛋 (shǎ dàn)
  • 二百五 (èr bǎi wǔ)
  • 长舌妇 (cháng shé fù)

What does Q mean in Chinese slang?

“Q” meaning chewy, when pronounced in Taiwanese, is the same as the Taiwanese word meaning “curly.” Things that are curly have a springy, bouncy characteristic to them, much like the consistency of foods that are “Q.”

What does qin mean?

亲(qīn) is an abbreviated form of the Chinese term of endearment “亲爱的 (qīn ài de),” which literally means “dear” or “dearest.” The term is most often used as a greeting on the internet in order to create a warm and affectionate tone. You can think of it as a Chinese equivalent of “bae.” Example: “亲! 我想你了!”

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How do you say jiayou in English?

“Good luck!”

What does Xifeng mean?

Meaning & History From Chinese 熙 (xī) meaning “bright, splendid, glorious”, 息 (xī, xí) meaning “cease, finish, rest, breathe”, 西 (xī) meaning “west” or 喜 (xǐ) meaning “like, love” combined with 凤 (fèng) meaning “male phoenix” or 风 (fēng) meaning “wind, style”.

What does 23333 mean?

The text number 23333 comes from Google Photos. Apparently someone you know sent you pictures or videos that Google Photos created and they wanted to share it with you.

What does 98 mean in texting?

Service Outage: In most cases, this error is caused due to a service outage on the carrier’s end. This service outage may be due to maintenance break or due to other reasons.

What does G mean in Chinese?

abbr. (= gram) 克 (kè)

What does EBS mean on Snapchat?

“Everyone Snap Back” is the most common definition for ESB on Snapchat. ESB. Definition: Everyone Snap Back.

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Why should you learn funny Chinese phrases?

Learning funny Chinese phrases is an important (and enjoyable) part of one’s Chinese learning journey. It’ll help you learn new vocabulary, and it’s nearly vital to being able to communicate effectively with native Mandarin speakers. Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere.

What are some examples of English and Chinese idioms?

Examples of English equivalents might include sayings such as, “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch” or “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” (imagine how odd these would sound in Chinese if translated word-for-word). As a written language, Chinese also lends itself well to “poetic” –almost haiku -like– translations.

Why is it important to be able to laugh in Chinese?

Being able to laugh at/in Chinese is an important part of mastering fluency. Learning another language is so much more than just learning phrases and words by the book. Language as a whole is composed of accents, dialects and ready-made phrases. What a particular country or culture finds funny ties into understanding the language as well.

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Why does the simplified version of Chinese sound so bad?

To make matters worse, the “simplified” version of Chinese adopted by the Communists (not used in Hong Kong or Taiwan), consolidated a lot of totally unrelated characters together that have the same spoken sound. A good example is this character ( 干 ), which has multiple meanings including “dry” and, well, “f*ck”.