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What is the meaning of being enlightened?

What is the meaning of being enlightened?

1 : freed from ignorance and misinformation an enlightened people an enlightened time. 2 : based on full comprehension of the problems involved issued an enlightened ruling.

Who is called enlightened?

Enlightened despots were monarchs who distinguished themselves from despots (in the ordinary sense) by the way they governed; they claimed to rule for the well-being of their subjects. Enlightened despots believed that they were destined to be rulers the moment they were born.

Can you enlighten me meaning?

to provide someone with information and understanding, or to explain the true facts about something to someone: I don’t understand this. Could you enlighten me?

What is Enlightenment and self-realization?

Enlightenment is not always dramatic,exotic or exquisite. In many cases, the Self-Realization process simply awakens the Kundalini energy and the practitioner may feel nothing at all at the beginning.

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What is self-realization and how does it work?

During Self-Realization, the feminine power within us is awakened along with all the other spiritual powers, and union with the all-pervading divine power of the cosmos is achieved. In this process, the reflection of God within us — our Spirit or inner Self — is realized or illuminated to us, even as we’re living in this mortal world.

How do you experience enlightenment?

You experience it on your central nervous system, through the activation of the subtle energy system and the Self-Realization process, which are discussed in detail. The first step in the enlightenment journey, in short, is the discovery of the subtle energy system when it’s activated during the Self-Realization process.

What are the effects of Enlightenment?

The effects of understanding the inner self that radiate outward and percolate into our daily lives further establishes the effects of enlightenment during our lifetimes. Enlightenment creates a new awareness within us. It develops mmediately after we experience Self-Realization, and continues to evolve thereafter.