
Can Brahmins live in Tamil Nadu?

Can Brahmins live in Tamil Nadu?

Tamil Brahmins are Tamil-speaking Brahmins, predominantly living in Tamil Nadu, although a few of them have settled in other states like Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Karnataka and other countries. Tamil Brahmins also live in Sri Lanka.

What language do Brahmins speak?

For centuries, Sanskrit was the language of power/knowledge. Texts were composed in Sanskrit, which remained the preserve of Brahmins, the highest caste of Indians. Brahmins wore a sacred thread to demarcate special status and that they knew Sanskrit.

How do Brahmins call their wives?

Why does a Tamil Brahmin wife call her husband ‘Anna’? – Quora. Fyi, a Tamil Brahmin wife is not calling her husband “ Anna” but “enna” which means dear do you hear me since older generation woman will seldom call their husband by their name. This is also followed by all Tamil women who call their husbands as ennenga.

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Why is the population of Tamil Brahmins declining in Tamil Nadu?

With more than 75\% of the younger generation of Tamil Brahmins having moved to foreign land in pursuit of job / education and others scattered across different parts of India, it is an easy guess that population of Tamil Brahmins in Tamil Nadu is steadily waning. The increasing trend of inter-caste marriages is a further threat.

Is Ramaswamy right about Brahmins?

If you look at the events (in literary and movie circles in Tamil Nadu and the political climate), you will realise that Mr Ramaswamy was absolutely right then, he is right even now. We talk about Kashmiri Pandits becoming strangers in Jammu and Kashmir. The Tamil Brahmins find themselves alienated in their own land.

Are Tamil Brahmins disproportionately represented in the civil service?

The first claim is belied by the fact that Tamil Brahmins, who constitute less than 3\% of the population by Dhume’s own admissions, are massively disproportionately represented in the Civil Service, the legal profession (including the Judiciary), Chartered Accountancy, and so many other high-end professional fields.

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Why are all jatis considered to be Brahmins?

Quora User’s answer to Why are all (and only!) the people of certain Jatis like Iyer, Iyengar, Gurukkal, etc. considered to be Brahmins? Quora User’s answer to Are Brahmins native to South India or migrants from North India? This is because Dravidian speakers are Agamic. Southern India did not follow the Historical Vedic Religion.