
Can a doctor refuse to take you as a patient?

Can a doctor refuse to take you as a patient?

Physicians do not have unlimited discretion to refuse to accept a person as a new patient. Because much of medicine is involved with federal regulations, physicians cannot refuse to accept a person for ethnic, racial, or religious reasons. Some physicians will not treat certain individuals or classes of patients.

Can you sue for being blacklisted?

If you find that you’ve been blacklisted, you may be able to sue for defamation or discrimination depending. You can file a blacklisting complaint with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission if you think discrimination is involved.

How do I dispute a blacklist?

Contact the Credit Bureau that blacklisted you and get a copy of your report to see the nature of the listing (you pay R25). Lodge a complaint with the Credit Bureau. They will give you a reference number. Wait for a month for the Credit Bureau to resolve the complaint.

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How can I remove an arrear from my credit report?

The process is easy: simply write a letter to your creditor explaining why you paid late. Ask them to forgive the late payment and assure them it won’t happen again. If they do agree to forgive the late payment, your creditor will adjust your credit report accordingly.

What happens when a doctor is blacklisted?

Doctors will go to great lengths to avoid being held accountable, and are generally protected by their professional associations. Once the patient is blacklisted he can then expect to be subjected to character assassination from the medical profession. The patient can anticipate being attacked, discredited and demonized.

Can I remove a private patient from the practice list?

You should transfer any medical records promptly and provide care as appropriate in emergency circumstances. There is no independent regulation for removing private patients from the practice list, apart from the Medical Council’s guidance. Thank you for the comment! Your comment must be approved first

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Is there such a thing as a blacklisting list?

A list, per se, may or may not exist, but patient blacklisting at least exists in many other forms. Any medical person who says blacklisting doesn’t exist either isn’t being honest, or doesn’t know their own profession.

How do I know if my records have been blacklisted?

As already suggested to you, get all of your records from this “network” and have them looked at to see if there is any notes/notations which would serve as a basis for your “blacklisting”. If you get your records and see the notation, “DSB” anywhere, you will have your answer.