
Where did Erkenbrand go?

Where did Erkenbrand go?

At the time of the War of the Ring, Erkenbrand had retired from service to Théoden, but returned after the death of Théoden’s son, Théodred, to command the forces of Rohan in its western regions.

Who is Erkenbrand in Lord of the Rings?

Erkenbrand was one of the Rohirrim. He was the Lord of Deeping-coomb and of much other land in the Westfold during the War of the Ring.

Is Helms Deep in Rohan?

Helm’s Deep was a valley in the north-western White Mountains of Middle-earth. Helm’s Deep, with its fortress the Hornburg, becomes the refuge of some of the army of Rohan, the Rohirrim, under King Théoden, from assault by the forces of Saruman.

How many Rohan soldiers were at Helms Deep?

The army of Rohan consisted of 500 Rohirrim soldiers of Helm’s Deep and 200 Rohirrim soldiers of Edoras. This force included Aragorn, Gimli Lockbearer, and Legolas Greenleaf. The army was reinforced with 300 Rohirrim farmers, squires, and stable boys, leading to a total of 1000.

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Was Hammerhand a Nazgul?

Helm and his daughter as seen in Middle-earth: Shadow of War In the video game Middle-earth: Shadow of War, Helm is shown to have become a Nazgûl. He received his ring from Sauron and Celebrimbor after he was mortally wounded in an ambush during which his daughter was kidnapped.

What is a dike in Lord of the Rings?

Helm’s Dike was an earthen wall and trench that shielded the Deeping-coomb….

Helm’s Dike
Type Fortification
Description Earthen wall and ditch
Events Battle of the Hornburg

Who does Gandalf bring to Helm’s Deep?

Gandalf crests the hills on the western flank, shining in the sun, bringing with him Erkenbrand, Westfold’s greatest (living) hero, along with another 1,000 elite troops: the battle-hardened surviving members of the Westfold forces and (now-dead) Prince Theodred’s bodyguard unit, returned from the Battle of the Fords …

What is a deeping wall?

The Deeping Wall was the solid stone wall, some twenty feet in height and thick enough that four men could walk abreast along the top, that defended the refuges of the Rohirrim at Helm’s Deep. It lay beneath the castle of the Hornburg, to which it was connected by a flight of steps.

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Who built the Hornburg?

of Gondor
History. Helm’s Deep was first known to be settled by the Men of Gondor, who constructed the Hornburg during the Second Age. When Calenardhon was given by Gondor to the Éothéod during the rule of Eorl the Young, it became a stronghold of the Rohirrim.

Who led the Uruk-Hai at Helm’s Deep?

Mog was a minor antagonist in Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers. He is an Uruk-Hai General who commanded the Uruk force attacking Helms Deep and main antagonist of said battle.

Who built Helms Deep?

Who built Helm’s Deep?