
What is the criteria for life after death?

What is the criteria for life after death?

The following three criteria can be applied in life after death: Acts done without doership, i.e., with the outlook that God Himself is getting it done from me and hence I cannot lay claim to any credit. Done without expectation of acclaim or appreciation. Done without expectation of results.

What will happen after we die?

The second outcome would be the afterlife, where after we die, there’s either heaven and hell, eternal paradise, or something else based on which religion you refer to as each one differs. Hell, the Christian afterlife may be right, or it could be completely wrong and it was the Greeks who knew the truth and we ignored it.

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What happens to subtle bodies in life after death?

It is important to note that subtle bodies in their life after death at the borderline of just 40\% and thereabouts often get pulled back by negative energies and hence remain in the Nether world ( Bhuvarlok ).

What happens to our spiritual growth after death?

Other than Earth, spiritual growth after death is mostly likely to occur only in the regions beyond Heaven such as Maharlok etc. This is because after death in Heaven, the subtle bodies run the risk of getting caught up in the unending pleasures it offers.

How do you make a decision when someone is dying?

Two approaches might be useful. One is to put yourself in the place of the person who is dying and try to choose as he or she would. This is called substituted judgment. Some experts believe that decisions should be based on substituted judgment whenever possible.

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What happens to your spirit when you die?

Heaven or hell. Life or death. Jesus or destruction. If you have chosen Jesus, your spirit leaves your body when you die and goes to heaven. You’re absent from the body but present with the Lord. Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. ( 2 Corinthians 5:6)