How can I make my left-handed handwriting print better?

How can I make my left-handed handwriting print better?

Handwriting tips for left-handed children

  1. Position the paper correctly.
  2. Hold the pencil in the right place.
  3. Use the right hand for stability.
  4. Keep the wrist below the line.
  5. Sit lefties on the left.
  6. Put a dot at the start of the line.

Is it harder for left-handed people to write in cursive?

For left-handed writers a cursive slant is often times very difficult. It’s more natural for left-handed writers to use an upright grass uprights late on letters. Left handed writers may benefit from an upward or backward slant of cursive writing.

How can I help a left handed writer?


  1. Try different types of pens, to see how they affect your child’s writing. Avoid using fountain pens for left-handed children – use ones especially for left-handers.
  2. Write on a pad of paper or something similar that provides a smooth surface that ‘gives’ a little.
  3. Writing on a sloping surface can help.
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Is it harder to write left handed?

Left handed writing is hard. Lefties have to push the pen away from their hand while simultaneously creating legible loops and slants, crossing ‘t’s and dotting ‘i’s. Pushing means it’s more likely that the pen tip skips and the line gets broken.

Do left-handers write worse?

The majority of lefties do have bad hand writing – largely due to the fact that most teachers can’t teach left handed writing so we’ve just been winging it for our entire lives.

How can adults improve their handwriting print?

Here’s what I learned:

  1. Choose the right pen. Before you write a word, think about your pen.
  2. Check your posture. Sit with your back straight, feel flat on the floor, legs uncrossed.
  3. Pick the right paper.
  4. Slow down.
  5. Examine your writing.
  6. Check the heights of your letters.
  7. Let yourself doodle.
  8. Copy handwriting you like.

How can an adult improve cursive handwriting?

Practice 20 minutes every day. As with everything in life, the key to successfully improving your penmanship is consistent practice. Set aside at least 20 minutes a day to practice your handwriting. Start off with five minutes of movement exercises, and then spend the rest of the time focusing on a letter.