
What movies make you feel something?

What movies make you feel something?

movies that make you feel…

  • The Fountain (2006) PG-13 | 97 min | Drama, Mystery, Romance.
  • Requiem for a Dream (2000) R | 102 min | Drama.
  • Dancer in the Dark (2000) R | 140 min | Crime, Drama, Musical.
  • Breaking the Waves (1996)
  • The Sea Inside (I) (2004)
  • Amélie (2001)
  • Pi (1998)
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)

What to watch when you want to feel good?

30 Full-On Feelgood Movies

  1. Amélie (2001) If this doesn’t lift your spirits then you’re beyond hope.
  2. Groundhog Day (1993)
  3. Paddington 2 (2017)
  4. Singin’ In The Rain (1952)
  5. It’s A Wonderful Life (1946)
  6. The Princess Bride (1987)
  7. My Neighbour Totoro (1988)
  8. When Harry Met Sally (1989)

What is the mood of a movie?

Whereas tone defines the exchange of the characters within the movie, the mood defines how the viewer feels toward the plot and characters as a whole. When analyzing films, every part of the production plays a role in setting up a scene, from lighting to weather.

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What is Agoodmovietowatch?

This is a list we update almost every week to adjust for new arrivals and expired titles.agoodmovietowatch is your gateway to on-demand streaming services, but instead of recommending the same movies to you you’ve been hearing about for the past 20 years, we focus on the good ones that were overlooked.

What movies do to your brain?

Secondary research suggests that two unique elements of the cinema experience drove the findings: the focused activity and the shared social focus. These elements have proven long-term benefits on our overall brain function, memory, focus and productivity.

How movies affect emotions?

Watching movies encourages emotional release. Even those who often have trouble expressing their emotions might find themselves laughing or crying during a film. This release of emotions can have a cathartic effect and also make it easier for a person to become more comfortable in expressing their emotions.