Tips and tricks

Is it easy to settle in Iceland?

Is it easy to settle in Iceland?

Moving to Iceland was a challenge, despite the fact that I am lucky to be a citizen of the European Union. Iceland is not a member of the Union but it is a Schengen Country, which makes everything extremely easy for most Europeans. Still, moving to a foreign country requires in-depth preparation.

Is Iceland a good place to live in?

Iceland might appear to lots of people as a country that’s perfect – high salaries, widespread tolerance and a beautiful nature. And that’s true! It’s a wonderful country to live in. There’s a reason why Iceland is called as a land of fire and ice.

What is life really like in Iceland?

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Life in Reykjavik – Life follows a very specific rhythm in the Capital city, probably everywhere in Iceland. In general, the pace of life was much slower than I was used to. Icelanders work hard and they play hard, to use an old cliche. Icelanders take long vacations, some up to 4 weeks in the summer!

Is Iceland hard to move to?

If you want to stay longer than 3 months, take note that it is very difficult to immigrate for US Citizens into Iceland. Otherwise, you have to go through the lengthy process of either obtaining a work permit, applying for university studies, or getting cozy with a spouse from Iceland or the EU/EEA.

Is Iceland expensive for tourists?

According to Numbeo’s Cost of Living Index, Iceland currently ranks as the third most expensive country in the world. Local banks have also studied the essential travel costs for tourists, and the numbers are staggering.

Is Reykjavik safe at night?

Reykjavik is one of the safest cities in the world, just use common sense like not wonder alone late / in the middle of the night in side streets where no one is around.

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What are the benefits of living in Iceland?

In addition to the native Icelandic, Danish is also pretty much universal for the native people living in Iceland. Another huge mark in the plus column when it comes to the benefits of living in Iceland is the country’s consistently high rankings in citizen satisfaction.

Is it expensive to live in Iceland?

Unfortunately, like its Nordic relatives, the cost of living in Iceland is quite high. According to Expatistan, living expenses in Iceland are the 2 nd -highest in all of Western Europe, and are actually the 6 th highest in the world.

What is it like to move to Iceland?

After moving to Iceland, you’ll find that the language is considered one of the cornerstones of the country’s culture and that people take great pride in it. Icelanders do not usually adopt foreign words for new things, but instead try to invent new words or give old words a new meaning.

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Why is it so hard to find an apartment in Iceland?

Most Icelanders prefer buying a place rather than renting, and about 80\% of property in Iceland is privately owned. As a result, the rental market is rather small, making the apartment search even more difficult. Rent is also considerably higher in Reykjavik than in smaller towns or villages.