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Why are some athletes better than others?

Why are some athletes better than others?

Athletic performance is a complex trait that is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Many physical traits help determine an individual’s athletic ability, primarily the strength of muscles used for movement (skeletal muscles ) and the predominant type of fibers that compose them.

What separates the best athletes from the rest?

Cognitive Ability
Cognitive Ability Separates the Best Athletes from the Rest and Is Eminently Attainable – Leaders.

Are elite athletes born or made?

“The only real rule is tremendous individual variation,” said David Epstein, author of “The Sports Gene,” a look at how much of athletic greatness is genetic and how much is learned. Epstein’s answer: 100 percent of both. “No two people respond to training in exactly the same way because of their genes,” said Epstein.

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What separates elite athletes from the rest?

The number one thing that separates the elite, top players in any game is focus! Sports are competitive and require a sharp mind to act when the time calls which usually comes down to a fraction of a second. There is an enormous amount of pressure during crucial parts of any game.

What sets elite athletes apart?

Grit, attitude, and inner drive will separate the champions from the almosts, he says. “When playing a sport at the highest level, the physical attributes of each athlete are so similar that the mental edge will serve to push one over the top and distinguish herself or himself from the rest of the pack,” he adds.

How do athletes get so good?

Successful athletes aren’t superhuman. They simply possess and utilize consistent skill sets that elicit positive results. They believe in themselves and their ability to constantly improve. They set realistic goals, they surround themselves with the right people, and they stay the course through tough times.

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Can someone be naturally athletic?

Are some people just natural born athletes? Yes. Some people have the body shape of an athlete. Also, some people have more slow twitch muscles ( they are long distance runners, for example), while others have more fast twitch muscles ( they make good sprinters).