
Which placement is good for Moon?

Which placement is good for Moon?

Moon in the 4th House is one of the best positions for Moon since this is the original house of Moon, and Moon feels at home. This is the house of home life and the house of mother. The home life of the native is blessed with moonshine, as the native has a good relationship with his mother, father and siblings.

What happens if the Moon is in 8th house?

When Moon is placed in 8th house, the natives are likely to be short-tempered, emotional and moody. Chances are higher that they will incur losses in business. Besides, the placement of the Moon in the 8th house can make the natives emotional. Their stress will be reflected in their facial expression.

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What happens when Moon is in 12th house?

The natives of Moon in the 12th house are characterised by a frequent surge of feelings and emotions. And when there are feelings, there are bound to be ups and downs. So, the natives of Moon in twelfth house blow hot and cold at regular intervals drawing more attention from the people around them.

Which House is malefic for Moon?

If the Moon is malefic, it will cause great loss of wealth and money at the age of the malefic planet placed in the 9th house.

How many nakshatra are there in a lunar month?

As per the Hindu mythology, all the twenty seven Nakshatras are the daughters of king Daksha and Moon is married to all of them and the Moon spends approximately one day each in one constellation and thus lunar month is of approximately of 27 days equal to the numbers of Nakshatras.

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What is Moonmoon in Krittika nakshatra?

Moon in krittika nakshatra can make one impulsive, competitive. They can criticize others as well as themselves. They can be good politician and leaders. At the same time they can be power hungry and their ego needs to be controlled. They can be martial artist and weapon manufacturer.

What is the meaning of nakshatra in Hinduism?

Its reference is found in the ancient Vedic scriptures. As per the Hindu mythology, all the twenty seven Nakshatras are the daughters of king Daksha and Moon is married to all of them and the Moon spends approximately one day each in one constellation and thus lunar month is of approximately of 27 days equal to the numbers of Nakshatras.

Does moon aspect in Nakshatra and malefic aspect affect relationships?

If Moon is in this nakshatra and malefics aspect Moon than this person causes troubles to other. In pada 1, they can be extremely aggressive and can run into conflicts anytime .