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Why do people follow rules blindly?

Why do people follow rules blindly?

Next to no one blindly follows the rules. They follow them for a combination of reasons, the primary being that they recognize that the rules offers protection to everyone, or at least allows for some semblance of order. Or they follow them out of fear of punishment.

What do you call someone who follows blindly?

synonyms: jingoistic, chauvinistic, excessively patriotic, excessively nationalistic, flag-waving, xenophobic, racist, racialist, ethnocentric. loyalist. sheep / sheeple. blind follower. true believer.

What does it mean to blindly follow rules?

if you obey or support someone blindly, you do it without thinking for yourself whether what you are doing is right. They just blindly followed the instructions they were given.

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Why do people blindly follow trends?

One reason is that people might want to feel like they’re involved. Some people, including me, do things so they can feel included and not left out. The second reason is that people might do this for attention. If people did popular trends than they might feel like they’re popular or could get popular.

Why do we follow society rules?

People are incredibly social beings, and we rely heavily on our interactions with others to thrive, and even survive, in the world. To avoid chaos in these interactions, humans create social norms. These rules and regulations establish appropriate and acceptable ways for us to act and respond to each other.

What do you call people who follow leaders?

Adherent is defined as a person who follows something or someone, like an cause or a strong leader. The definition of a recruit is a new person who has joined something, especially the military.

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What do you call a person who follows society?

A person who routinely conforms to established standards or authorities, without questioning those standards or authorities, would be called a conformist, and adopts a stance of conformism: 1. a person who conforms, especially unquestioningly, to the usual practices or standards of a group, society, etc.

Why do citizens have to follow rules?

Rules are regulations that the people under a government need to follow. Rules are important as families and citizens have to live their lives in a happy but safe state. Some aspects of why rules are important are: to maintain civil behaviour, be organised, more harmony in the community.

Why do people follow leaders?

First, a leader needs to deliver results in a quality manner. They need to follow through on business commitments and hold others accountable to their commitments. Second, a leader needs to demonstrate integrity.

Why should we follow rules answer?

Rules are made to facilitate the smooth working of society. Rules are also made to maintain uniformity in some places. Therefore rules are important and must be followed in order to maintain the tranquility of the society.