Tips and tricks

How many Facebook groups can I post to per day?

How many Facebook groups can I post to per day?

Each social network has their own guidelines on how much content to post. For example, Facebook recommends up to five posts per day, but 25 is really the upper limit they allow without negatively impacting the reach of your posts.

How many times can I share a post on Facebook group?

Each social network has its own upper and lower limits for publishing or sharing content. A prime example is Facebook, it recommends 5 posts per day as the limit, but 25 is really the upper limit.

How do I post more than 10 groups on Facebook?

How to Post in Multiple Facebook Groups at Once

  1. Add the groups that you want to manage to your Postcron dashboard.
  2. Select the groups.
  3. Create your posts (with only text or combined with image or link)
  4. Schedule your post on the date and time that you want.
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How do I share a Facebook post with multiple groups?

To post on multiple groups at once, follow these steps.

  1. Add the groups that you want to manage from the third part app dashboard.
  2. Select the groups.
  3. Create your posts.
  4. Schedule the date and time you want to share your post.
  5. That’s it! You are ready to share your post with several groups at the same time.

Why can’t I post on Facebook group?

If your ability to post, comment or participate in a group has been turned off, it may be because a group admin has temporarily turned off your ability to post, comment or participate in their group. Learn more about how to report something to Facebook. …

How can I post to all my groups on Facebook?

Can a Facebook page post in a group?

The new feature that many Facebook Group Admins have been waiting for is the ability to post as the Page (rather than your personal Profile) in the Group. Once your Group is linked to the Page you’ll see that as an option whenever you go to either post or comment.

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Why can’t I share a post on Facebook group?

To post in a Facebook Group, you must be a member of it. Whether it’s a Public, Closed, or Secret Group, you must have clicked on the Join Button, so the Admin can review you, and decide whether he/she will approve your request.

How many groups can you post on Facebook per day?

We’ve found that the magic number is typically around 25–30 Groups you can join/day, and 20–25 Posts in Groups you can make/day. Once you start seeing CAPTCHAS, you’re getting close to being put in “Facebook jail” (banned for 1–7 Days from Posting or joining Groups). Less simple answer:

How many times can I share a post on Instagram per day?

Do not share same post using multiple accounts on the same day. Use one account per day to share 10–15 posts at different intervals. Make sure your posts are free from spammy text and images. Its confusing , when you set up a sales post, you are allowed to add groups to post to, you can select as many as you like.

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How many joining requests can I send per day on LinkedIn?

In my research and experience, you can send around 20–30 joining request per day. And you can join around 6000 groups in one account. Before joining any group, research that group is relevant to you also read the group rules and don’t post spam.

How do I Share my posts to multiple accounts?

Write the group/page/timeline name that you want to share. Click the Share module. Use your account to share the posts. Posting to multiple accounts – FollowingLike makes it easy to post to Facebook (Profiles, Pages, and Groups), Instagram (including Stories), LinkedIn (Profiles and Pages), Twitter, and Google My Business all at once.