
How do you define your own culture?

How do you define your own culture?

Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.

What do you think is interesting about our Filipino culture?

The Philippines are the second largest group of islands in the world. The Filipino culture is a mixture of Malayo-Polynesian and Hispanic cultures with an influence of Chinese. Their art, music, architecture and dance are all influenced by the mixture of these people.

Why it is important to understand your own culture?

Awareness of our own culture is important, because it can keep us from projecting our values onto others. This reality can lead to an unintentional blindness and potential insensitivity to the values important to members of other cultures. For example, mainstream American culture respects direct eye contact.

What cultures are unique?

5 unique cultures around the world

  1. The Himba of Namibia. The Himba live in Namibia, mostly in the north west part of the country, and across the border in Angola.
  2. Wounaan of Panama. The Darien gap in Panama is a dangerous and remote place.
  3. Apatani of Northeast India.
  4. Shuar of Ecuador.
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How does your culture differ from others?

Cultures differ so greatly that someone belonging to one culture may not agree with the values of another, which then causes social and ethical issues. My culture shares many similarities with others around the world; most of which have connected more people in recent years than ever before. Cultural gaps, and lack of…show more content…

What is culture based on?

Whether in general or personal, culture is based on the values, core beliefs or customs that hold a people group together (Solomon, Marshall, & Stuart, 2012, p. 147). Though not always foreign, some cultures even involve rituals adhered to for many centuries. For instance, the Jewish males celebrate becoming a man through a bar mitzvah.

How does the significance of culture affect your personal culture?

Moreover, the significance of culture is affected my personal culture are family background, religious affiliation, language, ethnicity, and friends. I come from a family with both parents and several siblings. Everyone in my family is Christian, all of them having grown up in the church, typically Nazarene.

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What is national culture according to Weber?

According to both Namenwirth and Weber (1987), national culture could be defined as a set of norms, beliefs, customs and behaviors which will always exist within the population of sovereign nation. Nevertheless, Hosftede (1983) also stated that cultural dimensions are only a framework that creates