
Why do doctors look at a patients tongue?

Why do doctors look at a patients tongue?

Since ancient times, Chinese medical practitioners have looked at patients’ tongues to diagnose disease. “The tongue provides information about every system in the body,” says Ryan Gauthier, DAOM, RAc, LMT, a doctor of acupuncture and oriental medicine with Henry Ford’s Center for Integrative Medicine.

Why does the doctor ask you to stick out your tongue?

Physicians often ask their patients to “Please stick out your tongue.” The tongue can betray signs of illness, which combined with other symptoms such as a cough, fever, presence of jaundice, headache or bowel habits, can help the physician offer a diagnosis.

What does it mean when your tongue is white and cracked?

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Whitening of the tongue can occur when there is a buildup or coating of bacteria and debris on the surface of the tongue due to mild dehydration, illness (when there is less use of the tongue for talking or eating), or dryness of the mouth.

How do you know if you have geographic tongue?

A simple blood test is available to determine these levels. Geographic tongue – This condition causes a map-like pattern of reddish spots to develop on the surface of your tongue. “These patches can have a white border around them, and their location on your tongue may shift over time,” says Dr. Allan.

What does your tongue telling you about your overall health?

Bumps, patches, and spots in your mouth can be harmless. But sometimes, they can give clues to what’s going on with your overall health. Infections, stress, medication issues, and even aging can make their marks on your tongue. Find out what your tongue is telling you and when you should see your doctor or dentist.

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When should you see a doctor or dentist about your tongue?

Family physician Daniel Allan, MD, discusses why you should watch for changes that might need to be evaluated by a doctor or dentist. If your tongue has a white coating or white spots. A white tongue, or white spots on your tongue, could be an indication of: Oral thrush: a yeast infection that develops inside the mouth.

What does it mean when you have white spots on tongue?

If your tongue has a white coating or white spots. A white tongue, or white spots on your tongue, could be an indication of: Oral thrush: a yeast infection that develops inside the mouth.