
How do INTJs use te?

How do INTJs use te?

INTJs use Te to make logical, objective decisions. They view everything with a critical, unbiased eye and are able to quickly identify problems that need to be solved. They can be tough and decisive when needed and are clear and concise in their language.

How do you know if you’re Intj or Infj?

If you’re falling into the middle of these types, here are five key differences that may help you to differentiate between the two.

  1. INFJs use Fe, INTJs use Te.
  2. INTJs compete with themselves, INFJs seek self-actualization.
  3. INFJs feel comfortable talking about their emotions, INTJs not so much.

Is INTJ extroverted thinking?

Auxiliary: Extraverted Thinking As a secondary function in the INTJ personality, extroverted thinking leads people to seek order, control, and structure in the world around them. For this reason, INTJs can be very deliberate and methodical when approaching problems.

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What Dom is INTJ?

The dominant function of the INTJ is their introverted intuition (Ni) and their second or auxiliary function is their extraverted thinking (Te). For the INTJ these functions do have a strong role on their own, but together they play off of each other in important ways.

Who is more intelligent Entj or Intj?

Intelligence usually does not depend on personality types. But in general, while ENTJs are more action oriented, INTJs are a lot more introspective due to their primary Ni. There are different types of intelligence. While ENTJs could be more quick and decisive on the go, INTJs might have certain levels of geniuses.

What are the cognitive functions of intjs?

Cognitive Functions 1 Dominant: Introverted Intuition. INTJs use introverted intuition to look at patterns, meanings, and possibilities. 2 Auxiliary: Extraverted Thinking. 3 Tertiary: Introverted Feeling. 4 Inferior: Extraverted Sensing.

Are intjs good at seeing things from multiple perspectives?

As introverted intuitives, INTJs are also skilled at seeing things from multiple perspectives and vantage points. According to Jungian analysts Gary and Margaret Hartzler, “The Seer (INJ) often sees ideas simultaneously from several perspectives.

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What is INTJ intuition?

INTJs strongly value objective logic. When it comes to decisions, they trust facts, data, and truth. That said, their dominant function isn’t about facts and concrete data. Introverted Intuition is extremely mysterious in its workings and often lies outside of concrete, tangible reality – at least to most observers.

Do intjs have introverted feeling (Fi)?

But what most people ignore is that INTJs actually have tertiary Introverted Feeling (Fi). While as children this function may not develop or show itself very often, as INTJs reach their 20’s and beyond they start to develop a stronger sense of individuality, a personal moral code, and empathy for others.