Tips and tricks

Who said study smarter not harder?

Who said study smarter not harder?

Kevin Paul
Quotes from “Study Smarter, Not Harder” by Kevin Paul — Bookmate.

Why we should study smart not study hard?

Studying hard is time consuming and stressful, whereas studying smart reduces stress, is efficient, and produces optimal results.

How can a student work smarter not harder?

7 Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

  1. Know when things are due. Don’t rely on your memory to keep track of important dates.
  2. Set small goals. Big assignments or group projects can feel overwhelming.
  3. Reward yourself.
  4. Surround yourself with like-minded people.
  5. Get feedback.
  6. Re-write notes.
  7. Use your tools.
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How can I study medicine smarter not harder?

Here are seven tips to study smarter – not harder – for your HSC….Find The Right Study Environment For You

  1. open vs closed spaces.
  2. natural vs artificial light.
  3. morning vs night.
  4. silence vs ambient noise.
  5. accessibility to snacks/drinks.
  6. proximity to other people.

Should I study harder?

Studying harder can help improve grades and test scores. Create a study schedule, use good studying strategies, and focus on working hard in class. If you study effectively, you won’t have to spend every waking moment studying to do better in school.

How can I try harder in school?

8 Ways to Work Harder Without Even Realising It

  1. Find extra hours in the day.
  2. Cut out irrelevant tasks.
  3. Speed up where you can.
  4. Work out the times when you’re best at different tasks, and work accordingly.
  5. Use apps and other programmes to help you.
  6. Make sure your work is sufficiently challenging.
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How can I get smarter in med school?

Doctors Offer Insider Tips on How to Study in Medical School

  1. Review material regularly.
  2. Write it down.
  3. Test yourself.
  4. Create an effective learning environment.
  5. Improve memorization with mnemonics.
  6. Use visuals.
  7. Incorporate auditory methods.
  8. Consider forming a study group.

Is there a way to study smarter without studying harder?

Sure, it’s great, and helps, but sometimes you can get more out of a different way of studying smart. One way to study smarter and not harder is to answer questions. Get questions from past exam papers, from online, or just make up questions form your notes or textbooks.

What is the difference between working hard and working smart?

Study Hard is effort based ie extracting more with lots of effort. One can easily get upto 60–65\% by Working Smart. The remaining 40–35\% however requires Working Hard. Smart may involve thinking outside the box to use least effort. There a fine line between being smart and clever and being over-smart. This follows the law of diminishing effort.

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Is reading your notes over and over the best way to study?

Reading your notes over and over again is not the best, or the smartest way to study. Sure, it’s great, and helps, but sometimes you can get more out of a different way of studying smart. One way to study smarter and not harder is to answer questions.