Tips and tricks

Can grief make you insane?

Can grief make you insane?

Grief is an all-encompassing and often seemingly endless sadness and enough to drive a person insane. The pain you experience when you suffer a significant loss can be unbearable. The many ways that grief can start to feel like it is driving you insane are all incredibly normal parts of the healing process.

How do you feel when you lose your dad?

You might experience:

  • anger or frustration.
  • guilt, perhaps for not contacting them frequently or not being present for their death.
  • shock and emotional numbness.
  • confusion, disbelief, or a sense of unreality.
  • hopelessness or despair.
  • physical pain.
  • mental health symptoms, including depression or thoughts of suicide.

How have you felt since your father passed away?

I haven’t just felt one emotion since my father passed, my experience has been more like travelling the world. Each stage of your journey will be completely different, and as you wander through your grief, emotions will come and go.

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How does it feel when you lose a parent?

As soon as you lose a parent it feels like your life has fallen apart and you are caught up in a whirlwind, but you do eventually get your feet back on the ground, I promise. The pain doesn’t go away, you just learn how to accept it, channel it and use it as a way of cherishing the person who was so cruelly taken from you.

Is it OK to fall apart when you lose a parent?

It’s OK to lose your composure, to have an outburst of emotion in public or privately at home or to completely fall apart. We take a lot of strength from our parents, so when you lose one of them, it’s crushing. One thing I’ve noticed is that you tend to idolise the parent you’ve lost.

Do people forget about you when you are grieving?

Don’t worry, even if you forget things over time, the best memories will never leave you. People forget you are grieving. They offer their condolences in the first few weeks, sure, but not too long after that, they just get on with their lives, and it hurts. But don’t take it to heart too much, it’s just the way people are.