
What is a role model dead or alive to you and why?

What is a role model dead or alive to you and why?

A role model is the one who continually inspires you without doing anything but being their selves. The person who fulfills the job of igniting your soul with their captivating ambiance and places you on the path to great things.

Who is your role model briefly explain why?

“A role model to me is somebody who I look up to, who has done something out of the ordinary and who has achieved great things.” Scenario 1: If you’re interviewing for an entry-level position, a great role model to mention is somebody who has been in your place and worked their way up to gain a senior-level role.

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Who is Your Role Model?

Our role model is someone who we see a part of ourselves in. What do you two have in common? Are there certain beliefs or values of theirs you stand with? This is essential to make your answer genuine because this is personal to you.

Who is your role model answer scenario 4?

Scenario 4: Your role model is a celebrity. Celebrities are always a popular choice when answering this interview question. If this is the case for you, make the famous role model relevant to you. Saying Leonard Dicaprio is your role model because you like his films, isn’t enough.

How do you describe your biggest role model in a sentence?

Try to at least list two or three attributes of the individual you chose that defines them the most. Example: My biggest role model is Michelle Obama. She’s always working on a new project that emphasizes her generosity and strong work ethic.

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Should I mention my role model in my CV?

Don’t choose someone because it’s what you think the employer wants to hear (ie an Apple interviewee stating they’re role model is Steve Jobs… could be a little cliche!) Unless of course, he is your inspiration and you have the ability to back it up with a strong justification.