Tips and tricks

How do you write the volume of a sphere in terms of pi?

How do you write the volume of a sphere in terms of pi?

Volume of a sphere: V = (4/3)πr.

How do you find the volume in terms of pi?

The formula that is used to determine the volume of the cylinder in terms of pi is V = πr2h cubic units where, “V”, “r” and “h” are the volume, radius, and height of the cylinder. This formula of volume of the cylinder also shows its dependence on the radius and height of the cylinder.

What is the volume of a 6 cm sphere?

The volume of a sphere is equal to 43 times Pi π times the radius cubed. Substitute the value of the radius r=6 into the formula to find the volume of the sphere. Pi π is approximately equal to 3.14 . Combine 43 and π .

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What is the volume of a ball with a diameter of 6?

36π inches3
Leave your answer in terms of π. Summary: The volume of a ball if the diameter of the ball is 6 inches is 36π inches3.

What is the volume of a 7 cm sphere?

The volume of a sphere whose radius is 7 cm is V = (4/3)*(pi)*r^3 or V = (28/21)^7^3 = 457.3333 cc.

What is the volume of a ball if its radius is 6 mm?

What is the volume of a sphere if the radius is 6? Use the formula V= 4/3(3.14)(6^3). 6*6*6 = 216, V= 4/3*3.14*216, V=4*3.14*216= 2,712.96, 2,712.96/3 = 904.32. So the volume would be 904.32.

How do you find the diameter from the volume of a sphere?

The diameter of a sphere formula with volume is, d = (6V/π)^(1/3), where d is the diameter of the sphere and V is its volume. Alternatively, we can substitute the value of V, in the volume formula, V = (4/3) π r3, solve it for r, and make it double to find the diameter.

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What is the formula to calculate the volume of sphere?

Just enter the value of the radius and hit the calculate button. Recall that the formula to get the volume of a sphere is V = (4/3) × pi × r3. with pi = 3.141592653589793. Therefore, the volume depends on the size of r. So,enter r and hit the calculate button to get the volume.

How do you calculate sphere volume?

Calculating the Volume of a Sphere: Volume (denoted ‘V’) of a sphere with a known radius (denoted ‘r’) can be calculated using the formula below: V = 4/3(PI*r3) In plain english the volume of a sphere can be calculated by taking four-thirds of the product of radius (r) cubed and PI.

Is there a formula to calculate the volume of a sphere?

Write down the equation for calculating the volume of a sphere. This is the equation: V = ⁴⁄₃πr³.

  • Find the radius. If you’re given the radius,then you can move on to the next step.
  • Cube the radius. To cube the radius,simply multiply it by itself thrice,or raise it to the third power.
  • Multiply the cubed radius by 4/3.
  • Multiply the equation by π.
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    How do you derive the volume of a sphere?

    The sum of the cylindrical elements is 0 to r for a hemisphere. Therefore, the volume of a sphere is x^2 + y^2 = r^2. This video will give you a proper insight on the above derivation. Archimedes first derived the volume of a sphere and that pre-dates calculus by more than a dozen centuries.