
Which is better IAS IPS IFS IRS?

Which is better IAS IPS IFS IRS?

2019: The last Rank to get IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS etc IAS – The last rank of a general category candidate allocated to IAS was 77. IFS – The last rank of a general category candidate allocated to IFS was 113. IPS – The last rank of a general category candidate allocated to IPS was 215.

Do you regret joining IFS Quora?

Both jobs are elite and require different sets of skill. Rank of IFS go higher than that of last rank of IAS and people getting in IFS are intelligent enough to choose wisely. So, one working as IFS may not regret but enjoy his/her job. They even get diplomatic immunity.

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Do you regret choosing IPS over IAS Quora?

If you choose IPS over IAS, you may miss the following in your life. The IAS officers get the fastest promotion in India. A typical IAS officer gets 2-4 years of advantage in terms of promotion as compared to IPS.

How much time does it take for an IFS officer to become an ambassador?

Generally, it takes about 3 years to be confirmed in the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) from the date a candidate joins the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) as a Foreign Service Probationer/Officer.

Is it wise to choose IPS over IAS?

Most of the aspirants in the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) prefer IAS over IPS and IFS. However, there are always some candidates who select IPS over IAS as their first preference. It is because there are certain attractions in IPS which other civil services cannot provide.

What will I miss if I choose IPS over IAS?

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The candidate should possess a graduation degree in any stream from a recognized university. Any candidate who has secured a position of IPS and is working as a member of the same is not eligible to appear for the IPS civil services examination.

Do IAS officers regret not joining the IPS?

Yes, some IAS Officers regret not joining the IPS. They miss the medals, glamour and most importantly the charming Uniform, which sets them unique. It is well known that IPS is the most glamorous job when compared to others. Common People recognise and know IPS Officers better than their IAS counterparts.

What comes first IAS or IFS?

However, after the IAS, candidates start choosing other services like IFS, IPS, IRS (IT) and IRS (C&CE). The IFS has the least no of seats and more preferred, hence it closes first followed by IPS, IRS (IT) and IRS (C&CE) in that order.

Which is the most sought after service after IAS?

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According to the popular perception and the preference for the services, the most sought after service is IAS. However, after the IAS, candidates start choosing other services like IFS, IPS, IRS (IT) and IRS (C&CE). The IFS has the least no of seats and more preferred, hence it closes first followed by IPS, IRS (IT) and IRS (C&CE) in that order.

Which one is better IAS or IRS?

All in all IRS is much more peaceful. Now a days, if you glance through CSE merit list, you will find that IAS is the top most preferred service among aspirants followed by IRS, IPS etc. After IAS, it appears both IRS and IPS are equally preferred among aspirants for the second spot. So, I would rank IRS and IPS at the same level.