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What is the stall speed of an f16?

What is the stall speed of an f16?

Similarly, an F-16 ‘Falcon’ has stall figures within the same range of 160-180 knots whereas an F-14B ‘Tomcat’ could fly considerably slower due to its sweeping wing design. For slower speed, the F-14B wing could be swept forward to increase lift.

How long can an F-16 fly on afterburner?

In full afterburner at low altitudes, the F-16 can burn in excess of 64,000 pounds an hour. At full throttle, a U.S.-variant F-16 with maximum external fuel stores has about 20 minutes until it’s on emergency reserves (which would only last an extra minute or so at full afterburner).

Can an F-16 stall?

The F-16’s FLCS will prevent angle of attack from exceeding 25.5° AoA. Stall occurs at about 35° AoA. Because of this, it is impossible to stall the F-16 in straight and level flight. The FLCS will not allow you to command that much nose-up pitch.

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Which was better F-15 or F-14?

The F-15 was developed as an air superiority fighter. The F-14 is used as an interceptor, for air superiority, and as a multirole combat aircraft….Comparison chart.

F-14 F-15
Number of engines 2 2
Maximum speed Mach 2.34 Mach 2.5
Number still in service 0 in US; 25 operational in Iran. 222 in US; over 1000 worldwide.

How fast can an F 14 Tomcat fly?

1,544 mph
Grumman F-14 Tomcat/Top speed

What is the difference between an F-14B Tomcat and F-16 Falcon?

Similarly, an F-16 ‘Falcon’ has stall figures within the same range of 160-180 knots whereas an F-14B ‘Tomcat’ could fly considerably slower due to its sweeping wing design. For slower speed, the F-14B wing could be swept forward to increase lift.

Did an F-14A Tomcat fail flat spin testing after all?

The impressive video in this post shows F-14A crewmembers ejecting from their Tomcat after flat spin testing went wrong. According to former F-14 Tomcat pilot Gregory Quist comment to the video “The test center had deemed Tomcat un-spinnable when I went through training in 1975-76.

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What is the longest serving F-14 Tomcat in the Navy?

On loan from the National Museum of Naval Aviation, NAS Pensacola, Florida. Nicknamed “Christine”, it was the longest-serving F-14 Tomcat in U.S. Navy. Remanufactured from F-14A to F-14D (R) configuration, it was originally built in 1976 and made the final combat deployment/cruise of the F-14 in 2006.

How many F-14 Tomcats were shot down in Iraq?

Iran claimed their F-14s shot down at least 160 Iraqi aircraft during the war (only 55 of these confirmed according to historian Tom Cooper), while 16 Tomcats were lost including seven losses due to accidents. The Tomcat was retired by U.S. Navy on 22 September 2006, having been supplanted by the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.