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How do you deal with an inconsistent person?

How do you deal with an inconsistent person?

How to deal with inconsistency in relationships or emotional inconsistency?

  1. Develop a relationship with yourself first.
  2. Speak to them about it head on.
  3. Give them the benefit of doubt.
  4. Do not consider yourself as their victim.
  5. Let them go.

What do you call someone who is inconsistent?

Skittish – fickle, inconstant, changeable; tricky, difficult to deal with or manage (OED).

What does it mean when your ex Wants you Back?

The “grand gesture” is often not that grand. When an ex wants you back, his return is more likely to look like a whimper rather than a roar. Your ex might have prayed day and night that you’ll call for the last 52 days. He may have constructed a shrine in your honor. He might be consulting his favorite tarot reader and using internet love spells.

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Does he want you back but won’t admit it?

Here are 4 signs he wants you back but won’t admit it (yet). 1. He stays in touch with you even though he doesn’t have to. 2. He’s emotional. 3. Your ex keeps explaining the breakup and/or apologizing. 4. He shares his self-improvement plans with you. The “grand gesture” is often not that grand.

What does it mean when your ex says they miss you?

If in conversation they bring up things that could have been differently, or things they miss about your relationship, it’s safe to say that they’re missing you and are thinking about trying to get you back. Sometimes an ex doesn’t flat out ask for you back because they’re testing the waters.

What happens when a guy says he wants to break up?

For a while, he will stay broken up and not be ready to try to get back together since that action matches his past beliefs. He won’t want to go back on his word (“ I want to breakup ”), even though once the pain of missing you becomes to great, he might end up changing his mind down the road.